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milk and badgers

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Q: What is Wisconsin famous for other than cheese?
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Which state has better cheese Wisconsin or California?

Over the years California has produced more cheese and other dairy products then Wisconsin but Wisconsin always have produced the freshest cheese than any other state in the country. So obviously Wisconsin made cheese is the better tasting.

What state produces more cheese and butter than any other state?


What is Wisconsin famous for other than Milwaukee?

chesse,wine,badgers, and milk

Is cheddar cheese famous in the UK?

Cheddar is certainly the most popular cheese in the UK, more Cheddar is sold than any other cheese but I would not describe it as 'famous'.

What is Wisconsin famous for?

Wisconsin is famous for SummerFest, Harley Davidson, and cheese. It is also the birthplace of Frank Lloyd Wright, the famous architect and the birthplace of the Barnum and Bailey Circus, billed at the time as "The Greatest Show on Earth." The state is also home to the Green Bay Packers, one of the most famous and storied NFL teams in history. It is infamous for the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer The state produces more dairy products than any other, and is the second largest producer of milk (after California). Shops making and selling locally made cheese can be found throughout the state and as it calls itself "America's dairy state" it has an ample supply of fresh cow and goat milk to harbor what has become considered a craft by many there. Many Wisconsin cheese makers take their craft as seriously as a fine vintner takes the production of his wine, and just the same it is both a science and an art. One word of caution though, there are numerous "tourist traps" that line the major travel routes and sell sub-standard cheese at inflated prices. If you want to find the best cheese, ask the locals, who are typically quite friendly - so much so that you may have to hear about Aunt Ruth's gout before getting the skinny on the best cheese around. If you plan on visiting Wisconsin, you should also consider another famous tradition there, though famous perhaps only to frequent visitors to the area, the Friday fish fry. At nearly every bar every Friday night they serve fried fish, typically all you can eat with fries and slaw. Just like the cheese there is good and bad, so ask the locals and avoid the tourist traps.

What foods is Wisconsin known for?

Wisconsin produces more than 90% of America’s ginseng crop. It is the country’s largest producer of silage corn, cranberries, and snap beans. Wisconsin is best known for its dairy products, cheese and butter in particular. Other major crops include maple syrup, potatoes, sweet corn, tart cherries, and oats.

What dairy products are made in Wisconsin?

wheat In 2009, Winconsin's most important crop was corn for grain use, according to the USDA. It accounted for over half of the state's $3 billion agricultural production, in terms of value of the final crop. Soybeans comes in at a distant second, hay was third, followed closely by potatoes.

What kind of cheese do Green Bay Packers wear on their head?

A cheesehead is a hat that Packer fans wear. It is meant to represent Wisconsin for their cheesemaking. It is a triangle foam hat that pretty much looks like cheese. The Green Bay Packers were founded on August 11, 1919 by former high-school football rivals Earl "Curly" Lambeau and George Whitney Calhoun. Lambeau solicited funds for uniforms from his employer, the Indian Packing Company. He was given $500 for uniforms and equipment, on the condition that the team be named for its sponsor. The Indian Packing Company was a company that was involved in the canned meat industry. So why cheese at all? LOL

What is the most produced cheese in Wisconsin?

Over 600 according to an excerpt from a story on the Wisconsin tourism website.... "As one might expect for a state known for its originality, there is no shortage of creativity among Wisconsin's cheese makers. Some 60 artisan cheesemakers are currently producing more than 600 different types of cheese, including hundreds of complex, one-of-a-kind artisanal, farmstead and organic varieties made by hand in small batches."

Does cheese digest faster than chocolate?

Not cheese or any other food digest faster or slower than the other.

Known for such cheese as Monterey Jack what state is second to Wisconsin in American cheese production and in 1993 surpassed Wisconsin as the 1 dairy producer?

California, but if you take into mind the mast dairy production per capita, then you will see that Wisconsin does more. The only reason those dumb Californians make more dairy products is because thay are like 20x bigger than Wisconsin.

Is Wisconsin ice cream better than California ice cream?

I live in Wisconsin and may I say it is big on dairy. Actually it was an editorial from the Sheboygan Press that said it best: Wisconsin cheese again among best in the world. California may have more cows than Wisconsin and those cows may produce more milk than Wisconsin, but when it comes to making something out of milk, Wisconsin has no equal.. ... Badger State cheese makers came took first place in 27 of the 77 categories - easily the best showing of any state - or nation. New York was second with five winners. California had one.