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Q: What is a 8 letter word that means to protect from wasteful loss?
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Why copper loss is called variable loss?

Cu loss means I^2*R loss so it depends on R and I.If we make wire more resistive it means it will increase the value of R so copper loss will be increase.So to concentrate on wire size we can vary the R value and can protect the copper loss.So it is called variable loss.

What to protect your business from unexpected loss due to hazards?

Insurance is purchased to protect a business from unexpected loss.

What is a 12 letter word starting with the letter E meaning 'hearing loss loud'?

The answer you are looking for is earsplitting.It is an adjective which means 'loud enough to cause temporary hearing loss'.An example sentence is "the concert was earsplitting".

What does the word indemnify mean?

The word indemnify means to protect and compensate one for damage or loss. It is used in terms of insurance and companies have to indemnify their customers.

How do you protect loss of files?

keep it in your pocket

What is the best way to protect against data loss?

The best way to protect against accidental data loss is to back-up your data frequently.

Insurance is a contract by which one seeks to protect another from?


What is the wasteful energy change that takes place in the wires of an electromagnet?

I believe it is the heat generated by the resistance of the wire to the flow of electricity that produces heat, which results in the loss of electromotive force, or electricity

What are some pros on World War 1?

I can think of none. There have beem few incidents in history that represent a more stupid and wasteful loss of human life than World War I.

If net income is zero do you have a loss in your business?

Net Income zero means firm has at no profit no loss position and it does not means loss to company.

What methods do insurers use to protect themselves from catastrophic loss?
