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A metaphor for a teacher could be a guide, leading students through new territories of knowledge.

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Q: What is a A metaphor for a teacher?
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He carried his own low temperature always about withhimis it a simile or a metaphor?

well hard to tell but i asked my English teacher and he says its a metaphor but i am still confused what it actually means. hope i kinda answered your question!

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In the poem "Thickness of Ice," the metaphor is used to convey the emotional distance and barriers between individuals. The ice serves as a symbol of coldness and isolation, reflecting the narrator's feelings of detachment and lack of intimacy in their relationship. This metaphor heightens the sense of loneliness and alienation experienced by the speaker.

What Is The Main Metaphor In The Poem Last Lesson Of The Afternoon?

The main metaphor in "Last Lesson of the Afternoon" by D.H. Lawrence is the comparison of teaching to a battle or a war. The speaker views teaching as a struggle against apathy and laziness in students, where the teacher must fight to engage and inspire them. This metaphor highlights the challenges and frustrations of teaching.

Is my brother was boiling mad a simile or metaphor?

Its a metaphor

What is walking dictionary a simile or a metaphor?

it is neither, it is personification

Is Frank's heart a open book a metaphor or a simile?

It is a metaphor.

What does whirlwind of activity?

i am in 5th grade and i had an assignment saying the metaphor a worldwind of activity. I asked my teacher what that ment and she said it means there is a lot going on like a comotion.-unknown

He was a lion in the fight.what is the figure of speech?

"He was a lion in the fight" is a metaphor.