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Q: What is a Central idea of The Crucible by Arthur Miller in act 1?
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How does The Crucible by Arthur Miller by arthur miller affects us today?

The Crucible by Arthur Miller affects us today with many differents ideas, and societal factors. One idea to consider is the idea of scapegoats, where certain groups of people targeted for the actions of a few, and some groups of people are unfairly judged. But also being treated fairly by all. A last idea is the role of religion in society, what role, if any, should it play in creating law?

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The Reverend wants John Proctor to take the information he has to court and expose Abigail for being a liar and a fraud. This idea is upsetting to John because he is worried Abigail will try to get revenge by telling everyone they had an affair. The Crucible was penned by Arthur Miller.

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tell me what you think because I have no fudging idea

What is a crucible used?

i have no idea na just joking

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The central idea of a writing is the theme.

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Arthur Middleton's Idea on the Revolution Is he did not like the King George and the British taxing them.

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Physical geography focuses on understanding the natural environment and processes that shape the Earth's surface, such as weather, climate, landforms, and ecosystems. Human geography, on the other hand, studies how human activities and behaviors interact with and impact the environment, including topics like population distribution, urbanization, agriculture, and cultural landscapes. Both branches of geography are interconnected and contribute to a holistic understanding of the relationship between humans and their environment.

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The central idea of a speech is like the thesis statement.

Why does elizabeth mistrust john her husband in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

I remember reading The Crucible junior year of high school. While I don't remember everything to a tee. I have an idea of why she lied. People during that time had very strong religious beliefs. They lived and died by them. Obviously, most of them where flawed. Elizabeth wanted to protect her husband. She loved him. He already had so much against him. Like plowing on a Sabbath Day. Which they considered unholy. If she hadn't lied it would have only hurt the family more at that time.

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The central idea of a writing is the theme!