

What is a Douroucouli?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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16y ago

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A douroucouli is a small South American monkey. It is also known as a durukuli, night monkey, owl monkey, and aotus. It is the only monkey that feeds at night and sleeps during the day.

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16y ago
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Q: What is a Douroucouli?
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What is the life expectancy of a douroucouli monkey?

They can live for around 20 years.

Is there a monkey name that starts with the letter d?

There are a few genus/specie names, but i couldn't think of many: Douroucouli Daubentonia Obviously there are famous, but fictional Monkey names starting with D: Donkey Kong Dexter Dodger Davey (and Joey) Diddy Kong Dixie Kong Darwin

Monkey with D starts its name?

There are a few genus/specie names, but i couldn't think of many: Douroucouli Daubentonia Obviously there are famous, but fictional Monkey names starting with D: Donkey Kong Dexter Dodger Davey (and Joey) Diddy Kong Dixie Kong Darwin

Is there a monkey with a name that starts with d?

There are a few genus/specie names, but i couldn't think of many: Douroucouli Daubentonia Obviously there are famous, but fictional Monkey names starting with D: Donkey Kong Dexter Dodger Davey (and Joey) Diddy Kong Dixie Kong Darwin

What are some types of monkeys?

Douroucouli, Macaque, Orangutan, Saki, Spiders Monkeys, Wolly Monkeys, Quenons, Rhesus Monkeys, Squirrel Monkeys, Tamarins, Uakari, Columbus Monkeys, Proboscis Monkeys, Macaques, Marmosets, Barbary Apes, Capuchins, Celebes Monkeys, Gorillas, Langur, Mandrill, Mangabey, Marmosoest, and Howler.

What kind of monkeys?

There are over 264 species of monkeys, so it would take hours to list all of them. all the types that I know: baboons, chimpanzee, spider monkey, bush babies, possum monkeys, capuchin monkey, celebes macaque, colobus monkey, douroucouli, guenon, howler monkey, langur, mandrill, mangabey, marmoset, proboscis monkeys, rhesus monkey, squirrel monkey, tamarin, titi, uakari, chipmunk, and woolly monkey

Names of all the types of monkeys in the world?

There are over 264 species of monkeys, so it would take hours to list all of them. all the types that I know: baboons, chimpanzee, spider monkey, bush babies, possum monkeys, capuchin monkey, celebes macaque, colobus monkey, douroucouli, guenon, howler monkey, langur, mandrill, mangabey, marmoset, proboscis monkeys, rhesus monkey, squirrel monkey, tamarin, titi, uakari, chipmunk, and woolly monkey.

Four letter word ending with li?

4-letter words deli, hili, pili, puli, soli, syli, tali 5-letter words aioli, biali, celli, chili, obeli, oboli, ovoli, styli, villi 6-letter words alkali, annuli, argali, caroli, chilli, cumuli, duelli, emboli, famuli, fumuli, ghibli, hamuli, lazuli, loculi, moduli, muesli, neroli, nielli, ocelli, oorali, phalli, reguli, tabuli, thalli, tufoli, tumuli 7-letter words alveoli, apiculi, bacilli, brocoli, calculi, cannoli, cembali, dactyli, gingeli, gingili, intagli, lapilli, modioli, nautili, nucelli, omphali, pignoli, ravioli, sacculi, stimuli, tabouli, tripoli, volvuli, woorali 8-letter words acervuli, broccoli, calyculi, flocculi, funiculi, gingelli, gingilli, gladioli, malleoli, morbilli, nucleoli, pachouli, pulvilli, strobili, teocalli, trochili, utriculi 9-letter words campanili, fasciculi, glomeruli, homunculi, necropoli, patchouli, prothalli, ranunculi, scungilli 10-letter words altocumuli, aspergilli, convolvuli, microvilli, podophylli, precalculi, ritornelli, ventriculi, vermicelli 11-letter words cirrocumuli, douroucouli, violoncelli 12-letter words interstimuli, lactobacilli, leptocephali, stratocumuli 13-letter words proventriculi 14-letter words streptobacilli

11 letter words starting with d?

dactylology dailinesses damascening damselflies dangerously daredevilry darlingness datednesses daunomycins dauntlessly daydreamers daydreaming daylighting dazednesses deacidified deacidifies deaconesses deactivated deactivates deactivator deadeningly deadheading deadlifting deadlocking deadpanners deadpanning deadweights deaerations deafeningly dealerships deaminating deamination deathlessly debarkation debasements debatements debilitated debilitates debouchment debridement debriefings decadencies decahedrons decalcified decalcifies decampments decantation decapitated decapitates decapitator decarbonate decarbonize decarburize decathletes deceitfully deceivingly decelerated decelerates decelerator decemvirate decennially decentering deceptional deceptively decerebrate decertified decertifies decidedness decimalized decimalizes decimations decipherers deciphering decisioning declamation declamatory declaration declarative declaratory declensions declination declivities declivitous decollating decollation decolletage decolonized decolonizes decolorized decolorizer decolorizes decolouring decomposers decomposing decondition decongested deconstruct decorations decorticate decoupaging decremental decremented decrepitate decrepitude decrescendo decryptions decussating decussation dedicatedly dedications deductibles deductively deemphasize deerberries deerstalker deescalated deescalates defacements defalcating defalcation defalcators defamations defeasances defecations defectively defeminized defeminizes defenseless defensively deferential deferrables defibrinate deficiently defilements definements definiendum definientia definitions definitives definitized definitizes definitudes deflagrated deflagrates deflectable deflections defloration deflowerers deflowering defocussing defoliating defoliation defoliators deforcement deforesting deformalize deformation deformative deformities degenerated degenerates deglaciated deglamorize deglutition degradation degradative degradingly degustation dehiscences dehumanized dehumanizes dehydrating dehydration dehydrators deification deinonychus deistically delaminated delaminates delectables delectation delegations deleterious deliberated deliberates deliciously delightedly delightsome delineating delineation delineative delineators delinquency delinquents deliquesced deliquesces deliriously deliverable deliverance deliveryman deliverymen delocalized delocalizes delphically delphiniums delusionary delustering demagnetize demagoguery demagoguing demandingly demarcating demarcation demergering demigoddess demiurgical demobilized demobilizes democracies democratize demodulated demodulates demodulator demographer demographic demoiselles demolishers demolishing demolitions demonetized demonetizes demonically demonstrate demoralized demoralizer demoralizes demountable demystified demystifies denaturants denazifying dendrograms dendrologic denegations denervating denervation deniability denigrating denigration denigrative denigrators denigratory denitrified denitrifier denitrifies denominated denominates denominator denotations denotements denouements densenesses denticulate dentifrices dentistries denudations denudements denumerable denumerably deodorizers deodorizing deoxidation deoxidizers deoxidizing deoxygenate deoxyribose departments depauperate dependances dependences dependently depilations deploringly deployments depolarized depolarizer depolarizes depolishing depopulated depopulates deportation deportments depositions depravation depravement depravities deprecating deprecation deprecatory depreciable depreciated depreciates depreciator depredating depredation depredators depredatory depressants depressible depressions depressives deprivation deprogramed deputations deracinated deracinates derailleurs derailments derangement deregulated deregulates dereliction derepressed derepresses derivations derivatives derivatized derivatizes dermatogens dermatology derogations desacralize desalinated desalinates desalinator desalinized desalinizes descendants descendents descendible descensions descrambled descrambler descrambles describable description descriptive descriptors desecraters desecrating desecration desecrators desegregate deselecting desensitize desexualize deshabilles desiccating desiccation desiccative desiccators desiderated desiderates desideratum designating designation designative designators designatory designments desilvering desipramine desistances desolations desorptions despatching desperadoes desperately desperation despisement despoilment despondence despondency desquamated desquamates destabilize destination destitution destructing destruction destructive desulfuring desulfurize desultorily detachments detainments detasseling detasselled deteriorate determinacy determinant determinate determiners determining determinism determinist deterrences deterrently detestation detonatable detonations detoxicants detoxicated detoxicates detoxifying detractions detrainment detribalize detrimental detumescent deuteranope deuterating deuteration deutoplasms devaluating devaluation devastating devastation devastative devastators developable development deverbative devilfishes deviousness devitalized devitalizes devitrified devitrifies devocalized devocalizes devolutions devotedness devotements devotionals dexterities dexterously dextranases diabolizing diachronies diacritical diadelphous diagnosable diagnostics diagonalize diagramming dialectally dialectical dialogistic diamagnetic diametrical diamondback diaphaneity diaphorases diaphoreses diaphoresis diaphoretic diapositive diarthroses diarthrosis diastrophic diatessaron diathermies diazotizing dichogamies dichogamous dichotomies dichotomist dichotomize dichotomous dichromates dichromatic dichroscope dickcissels dicotyledon dicoumarins dicoumarols dictatorial dictionally dictyosomes dictyostele dicynodonts didacticism diddlysquat didgeridoos didjeridoos dielectrics diencephala dieselizing differenced differences differentia differently difficultly diffidences diffidently diffracting diffraction diffuseness diffusional diffusively diffusivity digestively digitalises digitalized digitalizes digitigrade diglyceride dignitaries digressions dilapidated dilapidates dilatancies dilatations dilatometer dilatometry dilettantes dimensional dimensioned dimercaprol dimethoates diminishing diminuendos diminutions diminutives dimorphisms dingdonging dinginesses dingleberry dinnertimes dinnerwares dinosaurian dipeptidase diphosgenes diphosphate diphtherial diphtherias diphtheroid diphthongal diplococcus diplomacies diplomatist diplophases dipsomaniac dipsomanias dipterocarp directional directivity directorate directorial directories directrices directrixes dirtinesses disablement disaccorded disaccustom disaffected disaffirmed disagreeing disallowing disannulled disappeared disappoints disapproval disapproved disapprover disapproves disarmament disarmingly disarranged disarranges disarraying disassemble disassembly disavowable disbandment disbarments disbelieved disbeliever disbelieves disbenefits disbosoming disboweling disbowelled disburdened discardable discernable discernible discernibly discernment dischargees dischargers discharging disciplinal disciplined discipliner disciplines disclaimers disclaiming disclimaxes disclosures discography discoloring discomfited discomforts discommends discommoded discommodes discomposed discomposes disconcerts disconfirms disconnects discontents discontinue discophiles discordance discordancy discotheque discounters discounting discouraged discourager discourages discoursers discoursing discourtesy discoverers discoveries discovering discredited discreetest discrepancy discretions discrowning discussable discussants discussible discussions disembarked disembodied disembodies disembogued disembogues disembowels disenchants disencumber disendowers disendowing disengaging disentailed disentangle disenthrall disenthrals disentitled disentitles disesteemed disfavoring disfiguring disfrocking disfunction disgraceful disgruntled disgruntles disguisedly disgustedly dishabilles disheartens disheriting disheveling dishevelled dishonestly dishonorers dishonoring dishwashers disillusion disinclined disinclines disinfected disinfested disinherits disinhibits disinterest disinterred disinvested disinviting disjointing disjunction disjunctive disjuncture dislikeable dislocating dislocation dislodgment dismantling dismayingly dismembered dismissions dismounting disobedient disobliging disordering disorganize disoriented disownments disparagers disparaging disparately disparities dispassions dispatchers dispatching dispensable dispeopling dispersants dispersedly dispersible dispersions dispersoids dispiriting displanting displayable displeasing displeasure displosions disportment disposables disposition dispositive dispraisers dispraising dispreading disprovable disputation disquantity disquieting disquietude disregarded disrelation disrelished disrelishes disremember disrespects disruptions dissections dissemblers dissembling disseminate disseminule dissensions dissensuses dissentient dissentions dissentious dissepiment dissertated dissertates dissertator disservices dissevering dissidences dissimilars dissimilate dissimulate dissipaters dissipating dissipation dissipative dissociable dissociated dissociates dissolutely dissolution dissolvable dissolvents dissonances dissonantly dissuasions dissyllable dissymmetry distantness distasteful distelfinks distempered distensible distensions distentions distillates distinctest distinction distinctive distinguish distortions distracting distraction distractive distrainers distraining distrainors distressful distressing distributed distributee distributes distributor districting distrustful distrusting disturbance disulfirams disulfotons disunionist disyllables ditchdigger dithyrambic divagations divaricated divaricates divebombing divergences divergently diverseness diversified diversifier diversifies diversities diverticula divestiture divestments dividedness divinations divisionism divisionist divorcement divulgences dizzinesses dobsonflies dockmasters dockworkers doctorships doctrinaire doctrinally documentary documenters documenting dodecahedra dodecaphony dodginesses dogcatchers dogfighting doggishness doggonedest dogmatizers dogmatizing dogsledders dogsledding dogtrotting dolefullest dolefulness dollishness dolomitized dolomitizes dolphinfish doltishness domesticate domesticity domiciliary domiciliate dominations domineering dominickers donkeyworks donnishness donnybrooks doomsayings doomsdayers doorkeepers dormitories dosimetries dottinesses doublespeak doublethink doubtlessly doughtiness douroucouli dovetailing dowdinesses downgrading downhearted downhillers downloading downplaying downrightly downscaling downshifted downstaters downstrokes downtowners downtrodden doxorubicin doxycycline dragonflies dragonheads dramatising dramatizing dramaturges dramaturgic drapability drastically draughtiest draughtsman draughtsmen drawbridges drawstrings dreadnought dreamlessly dreamworlds dressmakers dressmaking drillmaster drivability driveshafts drivetrains drizzlingly drollnesses dromedaries dropkickers dropperfuls droppersful drosophilae drosophilas droughtiest drumbeaters drumbeating drunkenness dubiousness dubitations duckwalking ductilities duennaships dullsvilles dumbfounded dumbfounder dumbwaiters dumfounding dumpinesses dunderheads dundrearies duodecimals duopolistic duplicating duplication duplicative duplicators duplicities duplicitous durableness duskinesses dustinesses dutifulness duumvirates dwarfnesses dynamically dynamometer dynamometry dysarthrias dysenteries dysfunction dyskinesias dyslogistic dysphemisms dysprosiums dysrhythmia dysrhythmic dystrophies

What is an animal in Colombia?

Agouti - Black agouti, Central American agouti, Red acouchi, Green acouchi Amazonian manatee Amazonian hog-nosed skunk Andean bear Andean tapir American manatee Armadillo - Giant armadillo, Northern naked-tailed armadillo, Greater long-nosed armadillo, Common long-nosed armadillo, Llanos long-nosed armadilloBaird's tapir Bald uakari Bats - Lesser dog-like bat. Orange nectar bat, Mexican funnel-eared bat, Parnell's mustached bat, Pale-faced bat, Thomas's nectar bat, Wagner's mustached bat, Common vampire bat, Pale spear-nosed bat, Tomes's sword-nosed bat, White-winged vampire bat, Lesser spear-nosed bat, Marinkelle's sword-nosed bat, Northern ghost bat, Greater spear-nosed bat, Orinoco sword-nosed bat, Aratathomas's yellow0shouldered bat, Lesser bulldog bat, Greater ghost bat, Tent-maiking bat, Guianan spear-nosed bat, Silky short-tailed bat, Bidentate yellow-shouldered bat, Greater bulldog bat, Isabelle's ghost bat, Striped hairy-nosed bat, Brown tent-making bat, White-lined bat, Chestnut short-tailed bat, Long-legged bat, Bogota yellow-shouldered bat, Peale's free-tailed bat, Hairy little fruit bat, Bedentate yellow-eared bat, Eldorado broad-nosed bat, Seba's short-tailed bat, Hairy yellow-shouldered bat, Broad-eared bat, Fischer's little fruit bat, Hairy-legged vampire bat, Brock's yellow-eared bat, Short-headed broad-nosed bat, Little yellow-shouldered bat, Big free-tailed bat, Mato grosso dog-faced bat, Melissa's yellow-eared bat, Choco broad-nosed bat, Highland yellow-shouldered bat, Handley's tailless bat, Small big-eared brown bat, Striped yellow-eared bat, Thomas's broad-nosed bat, Shaggy bat, Louis's yellow-shouldered bat, Geoffroy's tailless bat, Dwarf dog-faced bat, Little yellow-eared bat, Heller's broad-nosed bat, Wrinkle-faced bat, Greater yellow-shouldered bat, Broad-toothed tailless bat, Black mastiff bat, Great stripe-faced bat, Buffy broad-nosed bat, Talamancan yellow-shouldered bat, Tiny yellow bat, Bonda mastiff bat, Spectral bat, Shadowy broad-nosed bat, Tilda yellow-shouldered bat, Large fruit-eating bat, Chestnut sac-winged bat, Proboscis bat, White bat, Pallas's mastiff bat, Greater broad-nosed bat, Brazilian free-tailed bat, Andesen's fruit-eating bat, Greater sac-winged bat, Miller's mastiff bat, Salvin's big-eyed bat, Brown fruit-eating bat, Frosted sac-winged bat, Brazilian brown bat, Sinaloan mastiff bat, Little big-eyed bat, Silver fruit-eating bat, Lesser sac-winged bat, Argentine brown bat, Hairy big-eyed bat, Macconnell's bat, Big brown bat, Ghost-faced bat, Hawaiian hoary bat, Black bonneted bat, Godman's long-tailed bat, Jamaican fruit-eating bat, Dwarf bonneted bat, Intermediate long-tailed bat, Great fruit-eating bat, Tacarcuna bat, Big bonneted bat, Lesser long-tailed bat, Dark fruit-eating bat, Southern yellow bat, Wagner's bonneted bat, Greater long-tailed bat, Pygmy fruit-eating bat, Big red bat, Sanborn's bonneted bat, Silver-tipped myotis, Big-eared wooly bat, Flat-faced fruit-eating bat, Toltec fruit-eating bat, Ega long-tongued bat, Western bonneted bat, Hairy-legged myotis, Curacao myotis, Short-eared bat, Hairy big-eared bat, Thumbless bat, Black myotis, Little big-eared bat, Peter's disk-winged bat, , Ecuadorian sac-winged bat, Southern long-nosed bat, Commissaris's long-tongued bat, Montane myotis, White-bellied big-eared bat, Spix's disk-winged bat, Dark long-tongued bat, Miller's long-tongued bat, Riparian myotis, Chestnut long-tongued bat, Pallas's long-tongued bat, Velvety myotis, Big crested mastiff bat, Greater dog-like bat, Handley's nectar bat, Visored bat, Davy's naked-backed bat, Schmidts's big-eared bat, Fringe-lipped bat, White-winged dog-like bat, Goldman's nectar bat, Big naked-backed bat Black-mantled tamarin Black uacari Brazilian guinea pig Brazilian tapir Brown brocket Bush dog Bushy-tailed olingo Butcher Cabasu Capybara Caribbean monk seal Coatimundi Common fox Common squirrel monkey Collared peccary Colombian night monkey Colombian weasel Cotton-headed tamarin Cougar Crab-eating raccoon Dolphins - Amazon river dolphin, Atlantic spinner dolphin, Atlantic dolphin, Atlantic spotted dolphin, Long-beaked dolphin, Rough-toothed dolphin, Fraser's dolphin, Estuarine dolphin Douroucouli Eastern cottontail Eyra cat Forest rabbit Geoffroy's monk saki Geoffroy's tamarin Giant Brazilian otter Goeldi's marmoset Golden-mantled howling monkey Gray fox Greater grison Guinea pig Jaguar Kinkajou La plata otter Little coati Little red brocket deer Little spotted cat Long-haired spider monkey Long-tailed weasel Ocelot Opossum - Murine mouse opossum, Robinson's mouse opossum, Brown four-eyed opossum, Western woolly opossum, Long-furred woolly mouse opossum, Central American woolly opossum, Short-furred woolly mouse opossum, Sepia short-tailed opossum, Black four-eyed opossum, Little rufous mouse opossum, Dryland mouse opossum, Gray-bellied slender mouse opossum, Handley's slender mouse opossum, Andean slender mouse opossum, Delicate slender mouse opossum, Water opossum, Alston's woolly mouse opossum, Pale-bellied woolly mouse opossum, White-eared opossum, Wood sprite gracile mouse opossum, Common opossum, Northern gracile mouse opossum, Lutrine opossum, Blackish shrew opossum, Silky shrew opossum Ma's night monkey Margay Mottle-face tamarin Mouse - Snow-footed oldfield mouse, Unicolored oldfield mouse, Woodland oldfield mouse, Ashy-bellied oldfield mouse, Silky oldfield mouse, Bristly mouse, Hummelinck's vesper mouse, Dusky montane mouse, Narrow-footed bristly mouse, Trinidad spiny pocket mouse, Southern spiny pocket mouse, Colombian grass mouse, Mexican harvest mouse, Bogota grass mouse, Northern grass mouse, Cauca climbing mouse, Desmarest's spiny pocket mouse, Coues's climbing mouse, Chibchan water mouse, Short-tailed cane mouse, Colombian forest mouse, Brown cane mouse, Golden oldfield mouse, Buff-bellied climbing mouse. Venezuelan climbing mouse, Broad-footed climbing mouse Night monkey Northern pudu Paca - Spotted paca, Mountain paca Pacarana Porcupine - Brown hairy dwarf porcupine, Bicolor-spined porcupine. Stump-tailed porcupine Rat - Talamancan rice rat, Simon's spiny rat, Colombian rice rat, Hispid cotton rat, Napo spiny rat, Amazon bamboo rat, Macconnell's rice rat, Alfaro's rice water rat, Tome's spiny rat, Gorgas's rice rat, Alston's cotton rat, Gray-footed spiny rat, Bolivar rice rat, Coues's rice rat, O'connell's spiny rat, Hendee's spiny rat, Tomes's rice rat, Magdalena spiny rat, Alfaro's rice rat, Minca spiny rat, Gorgona spiny rat, Highland small rice rat, Forest small rice rat, South American water rat, Mira climbing rat, Montane fish-eating rat, Armored spiny rat, Arboreal soft-furred spiny rat, Bicolored arboreal rice rat, Rufous tree rat, Unicolored arboreal rice rat, Marsh rat, Dusky rice , rat, White-tailed olalla rat, Yellow-crowned brush-tailed rat, Huallaga spiny rat, Spiny tree rat, Greedy olalla rat, Colombian spiny rat, Destructive pygmy rice rat, Cayenne spiny rat, Fulvous pygmy rice rat, Boyaca spiny rat, Red crested tree rat, Armored rat, Speckled tree rat, Yellow arboreal rice rat, Arboreal rice rat, Crab-eating rat, Trinidad arboreal rice rat, Grayish pygmy rice rat Red brocket Red howler monkey Short-eared dog Silvery-brown bare-face tamarin South American coati Squirrel - Northern Amazon red squirrel, Southern amazon red squirrel, Andean squirrel, Red-tailed squirrel, Central American dwarf squirrel, Amazon dwarf squirrel, Western dwarf squirrel, Santander dwarf squirrel, Tayra Thaeler's pocket gopher Tropical weasel Whale - Blainville's beaked whale, Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Lesser beaked whale, Pygmy killer whale, Common minke whale White-faced capuchin White-lipped peccary White-tailed deer White-fronted capuchin

What is the national animal of Colombia?

dogs,cat,mice,rats,hamsters,birds,snakes Agouti - Black agouti, Central American agouti, Red acouchi, Green acouchi Amazonian manatee Amazonian hog-nosed skunk Andean bear Andean tapir American manatee Armadillo - Giant armadillo, Northern naked-tailed armadillo, Greater long-nosed armadillo, Common long-nosed armadillo, Llanos long-nosed armadilloBaird's tapir Bald uakari Bats - Lesser dog-like bat. Orange nectar bat, Mexican funnel-eared bat, Parnell's mustached bat, Pale-faced bat, Thomas's nectar bat, Wagner's mustached bat, Common vampire bat, Pale spear-nosed bat, Tomes's sword-nosed bat, White-winged vampire bat, Lesser spear-nosed bat, Marinkelle's sword-nosed bat, Northern ghost bat, Greater spear-nosed bat, Orinoco sword-nosed bat, Aratathomas's yellow0shouldered bat, Lesser bulldog bat, Greater ghost bat, Tent-maiking bat, Guianan spear-nosed bat, Silky short-tailed bat, Bidentate yellow-shouldered bat, Greater bulldog bat, Isabelle's ghost bat, Striped hairy-nosed bat, Brown tent-making bat, White-lined bat, Chestnut short-tailed bat, Long-legged bat, Bogota yellow-shouldered bat, Peale's free-tailed bat, Hairy little fruit bat, Bedentate yellow-eared bat, Eldorado broad-nosed bat, Seba's short-tailed bat, Hairy yellow-shouldered bat, Broad-eared bat, Fischer's little fruit bat, Hairy-legged vampire bat, Brock's yellow-eared bat, Short-headed broad-nosed bat, Little yellow-shouldered bat, Big free-tailed bat, Mato grosso dog-faced bat, Melissa's yellow-eared bat, Choco broad-nosed bat, Highland yellow-shouldered bat, Handley's tailless bat, Small big-eared brown bat, Striped yellow-eared bat, Thomas's broad-nosed bat, Shaggy bat, Louis's yellow-shouldered bat, Geoffroy's tailless bat, Dwarf dog-faced bat, Little yellow-eared bat, Heller's broad-nosed bat, Wrinkle-faced bat, Greater yellow-shouldered bat, Broad-toothed tailless bat, Black mastiff bat, Great stripe-faced bat, Buffy broad-nosed bat, Talamancan yellow-shouldered bat, Tiny yellow bat, Bonda mastiff bat, Spectral bat, Shadowy broad-nosed bat, Tilda yellow-shouldered bat, Large fruit-eating bat, Chestnut sac-winged bat, Proboscis bat, White bat, Pallas's mastiff bat, Greater broad-nosed bat, Brazilian free-tailed bat, Andesen's fruit-eating bat, Greater sac-winged bat, Miller's mastiff bat, Salvin's big-eyed bat, Brown fruit-eating bat, Frosted sac-winged bat, Brazilian brown bat, Sinaloan mastiff bat, Little big-eyed bat, Silver fruit-eating bat, Lesser sac-winged bat, Argentine brown bat, Hairy big-eyed bat, Macconnell's bat, Big brown bat, Ghost-faced bat, Hawaiian hoary bat, Black bonneted bat, Godman's long-tailed bat, Jamaican fruit-eating bat, Dwarf bonneted bat, Intermediate long-tailed bat, Great fruit-eating bat, Tacarcuna bat, Big bonneted bat, Lesser long-tailed bat, Dark fruit-eating bat, Southern yellow bat, Wagner's bonneted bat, Greater long-tailed bat, Pygmy fruit-eating bat, Big red bat, Sanborn's bonneted bat, Silver-tipped myotis, Big-eared wooly bat, Flat-faced fruit-eating bat, Toltec fruit-eating bat, Ega long-tongued bat, Western bonneted bat, Hairy-legged myotis, Curacao myotis, Short-eared bat, Hairy big-eared bat, Thumbless bat, Black myotis, Little big-eared bat, Peter's disk-winged bat, , Ecuadorian sac-winged bat, Southern long-nosed bat, Commissaris's long-tongued bat, Montane myotis, White-bellied big-eared bat, Spix's disk-winged bat, Dark long-tongued bat, Miller's long-tongued bat, Riparian myotis, Chestnut long-tongued bat, Pallas's long-tongued bat, Velvety myotis, Big crested mastiff bat, Greater dog-like bat, Handley's nectar bat, Visored bat, Davy's naked-backed bat, Schmidts's big-eared bat, Fringe-lipped bat, White-winged dog-like bat, Goldman's nectar bat, Big naked-backed bat Black-mantled tamarin Black uacari Brazilian guinea pig Brazilian tapir Brown brocket Bush dog Bushy-tailed olingo Butcher Cabasu Capybara Caribbean monk seal Coatimundi Common fox Common squirrel monkey Collared peccary Colombian night monkey Colombian weasel Cotton-headed tamarin Cougar Crab-eating raccoon Dolphins - Amazon river dolphin, Atlantic spinner dolphin, Atlantic dolphin, Atlantic spotted dolphin, Long-beaked dolphin, Rough-toothed dolphin, Fraser's dolphin, Estuarine dolphin Douroucouli Eastern cottontail Eyra cat Forest rabbit Geoffroy's monk saki Geoffroy's tamarin Giant Brazilian otter Goeldi's marmoset Golden-mantled howling monkey Gray fox Greater grison Guinea pig Jaguar Kinkajou La plata otter Little coati Little red brocket deer Little spotted cat Long-haired spider monkey Long-tailed weasel Ocelot Opossum - Murine mouse opossum, Robinson's mouse opossum, Brown four-eyed opossum, Western woolly opossum, Long-furred woolly mouse opossum, Central American woolly opossum, Short-furred woolly mouse opossum, Sepia short-tailed opossum, Black four-eyed opossum, Little rufous mouse opossum, Dryland mouse opossum, Gray-bellied slender mouse opossum, Handley's slender mouse opossum, Andean slender mouse opossum, Delicate slender mouse opossum, Water opossum, Alston's woolly mouse opossum, Pale-bellied woolly mouse opossum, White-eared opossum, Wood sprite gracile mouse opossum, Common opossum, Northern gracile mouse opossum, Lutrine opossum, Blackish shrew opossum, Silky shrew opossum Ma's night monkey Margay Mottle-face tamarin Mouse - Snow-footed oldfield mouse, Unicolored oldfield mouse, Woodland oldfield mouse, Ashy-bellied oldfield mouse, Silky oldfield mouse, Bristly mouse, Hummelinck's vesper mouse, Dusky montane mouse, Narrow-footed bristly mouse, Trinidad spiny pocket mouse, Southern spiny pocket mouse, Colombian grass mouse, Mexican harvest mouse, Bogota grass mouse, Northern grass mouse, Cauca climbing mouse, Desmarest's spiny pocket mouse, Coues's climbing mouse, Chibchan water mouse, Short-tailed cane mouse, Colombian forest mouse, Brown cane mouse, Golden oldfield mouse, Buff-bellied climbing mouse. Venezuelan climbing mouse, Broad-footed climbing mouse Night monkey Northern pudu Paca - Spotted paca, Mountain paca Pacarana Porcupine - Brown hairy dwarf porcupine, Bicolor-spined porcupine. Stump-tailed porcupine Rat - Talamancan rice rat, Simon's spiny rat, Colombian rice rat, Hispid cotton rat, Napo spiny rat, Amazon bamboo rat, Macconnell's rice rat, Alfaro's rice water rat, Tome's spiny rat, Gorgas's rice rat, Alston's cotton rat, Gray-footed spiny rat, Bolivar rice rat, Coues's rice rat, O'connell's spiny rat, Hendee's spiny rat, Tomes's rice rat, Magdalena spiny rat, Alfaro's rice rat, Minca spiny rat, Gorgona spiny rat, Highland small rice rat, Forest small rice rat, South American water rat, Mira climbing rat, Montane fish-eating rat, Armored spiny rat, Arboreal soft-furred spiny rat, Bicolored arboreal rice rat, Rufous tree rat, Unicolored arboreal rice rat, Marsh rat, Dusky rice , rat, White-tailed olalla rat, Yellow-crowned brush-tailed rat, Huallaga spiny rat, Spiny tree rat, Greedy olalla rat, Colombian spiny rat, Destructive pygmy rice rat, Cayenne spiny rat, Fulvous pygmy rice rat, Boyaca spiny rat, Red crested tree rat, Armored rat, Speckled tree rat, Yellow arboreal rice rat, Arboreal rice rat, Crab-eating rat, Trinidad arboreal rice rat, Grayish pygmy rice rat Red brocket Red howler monkey Short-eared dog Silvery-brown bare-face tamarin South American coati Squirrel - Northern Amazon red squirrel, Southern amazon red squirrel, Andean squirrel, Red-tailed squirrel, Central American dwarf squirrel, Amazon dwarf squirrel, Western dwarf squirrel, Santander dwarf squirrel, Tayra Thaeler's pocket gopher Tropical weasel Whale - Blainville's beaked whale, Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Lesser beaked whale, Pygmy killer whale, Common minke whale White-faced capuchin White-lipped peccary White-tailed deer White-fronted capuchin