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Rauchen verboten = no smoking

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Q: What is a German sign reading Rauchen verboten telling you not to do?
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What is German for no smoking?

Usually we only have the casual "No smoking" signs, but if you want to say it i would suggest 2 versions. The first is friendly and can be used in dialogues easily "Bitte nicht rauchen". The second is more official and reminds on the law "Rauchen verboten!".

What is the German word for smoking?


What is smoking in German?

Rauchen. The word "Das Smoking" in German is a Tuxedo.

How do you spell forbidden in German?


How do you say Do Not Enter in German?

Either "Eingang Verboten" or "Betreten verboten" would work; the latter would be more typical

The meaning for the word boten?

In German, there is a word, "verboten," but I don't know the meaning. Verboten means forbidden in German. I have still never heard of the word 'boten'. Check your spelling :(

The German word verboten means what?

"verboten" is the participle of the infinitive "verbieten" and it means "forbidden" Example: Es ist verboten in den Wald zu gehen. It is forbidden to go into the forest.

What does the German word Verboten mean?

Verboten means "prohibited", "forbidden", or "off limits" in German. Its meaning has also carried over as a loanword in the English language. This word has a strong authoritarian sense in both languages.

How do I pronounce rauchen in German?

r-ow-ken ---^ like you hurt yourself so you say ow

Which letter do German cars have on their number plate?

Advertising in the answer field is verboten. Sorry!

Do not enter without permission in German language?

Zutritt für unbefugte verbotenorEintritt für unbefugte verboten

How do you say reading in German?

reading = lesen Example: I am reading a book = Ich lese ein Buch