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A Domain Name is used in order to create a website. The domain name is the actual string of code that defines the control of the web. The domain name is the memorable site name that allows users to access a certain site.

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Q: What is a Google Domain Name used for?
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What is the domain name used by the Google news archive?

The domain name used by their news archives is their website with a backslash then the word newspapers. This is where you can find millions of archived news articles.

Can you register a domain name through Google?

No. Google doesn't provide domain service however you can contact to register your domain.

What is the domain for Google Gmail?

The domain for Google's Gmail is .com. It is the most widely used domain on the globe. It is not restricted to an area but is global.

How do you sell a domain name to Google or Google inc for a big fat price?

Wait until Google calls you and offers to buy the domain. Alternatively: Wait for Google's lawyers to sue you.

What is Google domain registration?

If you have an idea for a website and you would like to publish it, you must first resister the domain name with a registrar. Google has such a service.

How do you get a domain name for online business's?

Search for domain registration on Google and you will find loads of registrars.

What are some benefits of using Google for domain name registration?

There are a number of benefits to registering one's domain name through Google. For example, registering in this fashion gets the user free access to Google Apps. Additionally, users have the option to enable annual auto-renewal of their domain name.

How does the Google TW differ from the Google US?

The main difference between the internet domain suffix TW and the domain suffix US is geographical location. TW is the domain suffix used for websites in Taiwan, and the US domain suffix is used for websites in the United States.

How can you Google something just using the web address?

Cannot bcos web address is for domain name Etc: ( And google is search engine that used to search smthing..

Is it possible to register a domain through Google?

One can register a domain name through Google although they are not themselves a domain registrar. They have agreements with firms such as GoDaddy and eNom to register the domains on the behalf of their customers.

What is Google domain?

Google itself is the domain site of the website.

What is the basis to choose the domain to an organisation?

When you sign up for Google Apps, you give the name of the Internet domain for your organization. This domain name becomes the primary domain associated with your Google Apps account. As the account administrator, you'll use the primary domain name to sign into the Google Apps Control Panel for your account.When your organization owns multiple domain names, you need to choose one to be your primary domain. Choose carefully, because it is difficult to change once your account is established.We recommend that you choose the domain that serves as your primary business identity for messaging and collaboration. In most cases, this domain is the domain for the parent corporate business unit or top-level organization.We recommend that you sign up for Google Apps with this primary domain rather than a temporary or test domain, even if you plan to run a pilot program before rolling out Google Apps. You can add an additional domain to your Google Apps account for use during testing or a pilot.Answer By :-Swati P.