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Most all the Ithaca Pump model 37 were Engraved with 3 ducks and on the other side Pointer Flushing out 2 pheasants. It a common engraving we all see on Ithaca but you have an 1937 model like I do ,I have one as well with a serial number 2493, believe me they are worth keeping because that was the 1st year Ithaca made the Model 37 they only produced 3,500 shotgun in 1937

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Q: What is a Ithaca model 37 featherlite 12 gauge pump bought in 1937 worth engraved with pheasants and pointer 95-98 condition?
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What is a Ithaca model 37 featherlite 12 gauge pump bought in 1937 worth engraved with pheasants and pointer 95 98 condition?

Most all the Ithaca Pump model 37 were Engraved with 3 ducks and on the other side Pointer Flushing out 2 pheasants. It a common engraving we all see on Ithaca but you have an 1937 model like I do ,I have one as well with a serial number 2493, believe me they are worth keeping because that was the 1st year Ithaca made the Model 37 they only produced 3,500 shotgun in 1937

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