

What is a Kosher aquatic being?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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13y ago

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According to the Jewish Kosher food laws, Jews are allowed to eat any seafood with fins and scales. Other seafood "must be considered unfit," according to the Torah.

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Q: What is a Kosher aquatic being?
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Do Jews eat lobster?

No, lobster is not kosher. The reason for this is that aquatic animals must have both fins and easily removed scales in order to be kosher.

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No.Jews cannot eat shellfish because they don't have the characteristics of a Kosher aquatic being. Any living organism that lives in the sea needs to have fins and scales to be Kosher. Shellfish have neither fins nor scales.

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Crustaceans (such as lobster and crab) and other shellfish (such as clams) are not kosher, because they lack scales. Further, all aquatic mammals (e.g. whales and dolphins) are not kosher.Hope this helps! :3

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Sea salt is a mineral and so long as anything that is non-kosher is not added to the dry salt crystals the salt is kosher. To say that sea salt is not kosher because non-kosher aquatic life lives in the ocean would be the same as saying that all fruits and vegetables are not kosher because they've come in contact with bugs.

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Yes, using non-kosher bait is fine for fishing, this ties into the ruling that what aquatic life eats doesn't have a bearing on its kashrut status.

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A kosher restaurant is laid out the same way as a non-kosher restaurant. The key difference (aside from being kosher) is that kosher restaurants serve either meat OR dairy, never both.

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Make sure all of the ingredients are kosher and the utensils and kitchen it's being prepared in are also kosher.

Is sees candy kosher?

See the Related Link for a list of their products that have kosher-certification. Being in Israel, I cannot confirm their claim nor dispute it. Sees kosher-certified items

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There are kosher food companies that are now making gluten-free products Kosher for Passover and all-year-round. However, something being gluten-free has no bearing on whether or not it is Kosher or Kosher for Passover.

Why is mackrel kosher being scaleless?

Mackerel meets the halachic (Jewish law) requirements for being a kosher fish because it actually does have both fins and scales - when the fish is netted, it sheds its scales. It is, therefore, a kosher fish.

What is the exact amount of salt that a Rabbi can bless in the making of Kosher salt?

Whether or not a food of any kind is kosher has nothing to do with being blessed by a Rabbi. By default, all salt is kosher unless something is added to it to render it not kosher, additives that are non-kosher are usually flavourings.