

What is a Lockean world?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is a Lockean world?
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The Lockean ideal of indirect democracy is based on what?

A Lockean Democracy is all about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Its also a form of democracy where the rights of individuals are the main focus of society.

What was the Lockean doctrine of emergency prerogative?

The Lockean doctrine allows for emergencies where the President may act without consulting Congress. This presidential prerogative is subject to abuse. President Lincoln suspended habeas corpus for example on the basis of his perceived emergencies.

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Ross J. Corbett has written: 'The Lockean commonwealth'

What Lockean principles influence the Declaration of Independence?

Locke wrote about inherent rights to life, freedom, and property, which are represented through Jefferson's life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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Lockean philosophy, their exposure to the Iroquois Confederacy, Britain's treatment of the colonies after the French and Indian War, taxation without representation.

What are Lockean ideas?

Lockean ideas are philosophical principles associated with the English philosopher John Locke. They include beliefs in natural rights, such as life, liberty, and property, as well as the social contract theory that governments derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed. Locke also asserted the importance of individual autonomy and the separation of powers within government.

How did the actions of US President Harry Truman in the steel strike of 1952 contribute to case law?

In 1952 the judicial and public response to Truman's overeaction to the steel strike helped further define the conditions in which US presidents might or could persuasively invoke the so-called Lockean prerogative. Additionally, the case added an additional clarification to the problem of prerogative. This revived a distinction recognized in the early years of the US republic that had been blurred during the US Civil War. As with President Lincoln, Truman used the claim that his actions was an extreme emergency the country ever faced. At best this was an exaggeration. Seizure of the steel industry was indeed unconstitutional.

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I'm in this world but if I wanted to be in the world I'd be in that world so I would obviously be in this world. :P

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World World World was created in 2006.

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