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Economic depression.

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Q: What is a Period when business activity slows and wages fall?
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What is it called when business activity slows prices and wages drop and unemployment rises?

the business cycle

What word means a period when business slows and prices and wages fall?

This could be referred to as deflation, or often is a sign of a forming depression.

Period when business activity slows and prices and wages fall?

A depression is a temporary slowdown characterized by reduced purchasing power, massive unemployment, excess of supply over demand resulting in falling prices, and a lack of confidence in the future. Depressions are also sometimes known as "slumps". Major depressions can last for years.

What is journal entry of outstanding wages?

Outstanding wages are those wages that have been earned in one acctg period but will not be paid until the next. This happens when a payroll period crosses months. Under the accrual basis of accounting, such wages must be accrued in the period earned regardless that they are paid in a subsequent period.

Is wages paid to a temporary personnel a fixed cost?

Yes. Variable cost varies with the activity of the business. Unless the wage given is in accordance with the activity level for e.g. piece rate, then it should be fixed cost.

The entry to adjust the accounts for wages accrued at the end of the accounting period is?

wages expense and wages payable

What was a reason that the business's moved to the south?

Wages in the south were lower the wages in the north

What are three broad categories of economics indicators?

Three broad categories of economic indicators are: Total Output, Income, and Spending, Employment, Unemployment, and Wages, and Production and Business Activity.

Are wages period costs?


What is the adjusting entry for wages posted twice?

Outstanding wages are those wages that have been earned in one acctg period but will not be paid until the next. This happens when a payroll period crosses months. Under the accrual basis of... entry is wages expenses are credit and outstanding wages are credit.

How to get unpaid wages from employer?

If your employer has not paid you, you can file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau about the unpaid wages.

Which computer software will be beneficial in managing the accounting information of a simple daycare business?

QuickBooks is an excellent software package for managing your business. You can track expenditures and profits easily. QuickBooks also makes it very simple to figure out wages, pay days and graphs to show your business's activity for the fiscal year.