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Q: What is a Protection of a territory from other animals or species?
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How do forest served as protection for animals?

because it serves their own habitat and most of all it gives protection to any other species.

What is a Territory Give an example of a territory from your environment?

Territory is an area that is occupied by one animal or a group of animals and that other members of the species are excluded from.Ex:Yourhouse; the United States

A territory is a physical space that one animal defends against all other species of animals?


Can ants start wars?

Ants are the only other type of species that start wars.Reasons being territory, food supply and protection of a nest.

Why do animals live solitarily?

Not all animals do. Some animals, such as lions, elephants, wolves and chimpanzees, are very social. For other animals, it just works best for their survival. Usually, animals live alone due to distribution of food. They will claim a certain amount of hunting territory, or have a specific area they gather from. Allowing other animals into their territory would cut into their supply. Some of it also has to do with mating cycles, and protection of their young.

Claiming a territory allows animals to save?

Claiming a territory allows animals to save energy by competing less with other animals.

Why do you think animals aggressive towards each other?

Why animals are aggressive towards each other is usually for dominance and like that is their territory not your territory.

What kind of animals wore armor in the Medieval time?

Because they were created to be with it. The most common use of their armor is for protection from other species of animals.

What are the diets of desert animals?

mammals eat other species and other animals

What is an area that is occupied by one animal or by a group of animals that do not allow other members of the species to enter?

This area is called a territory. A pride of lions, for example, set boundaries in which they move freely, hunt and play. Other lions are not allowed here, and will be chased off or killed.

Name three things animals defend from other animals?

Territory, offspring, and mates.

Why are Siberian Husky's attack other dogs i have one but keeps attacking my other dog?

It is their natural instinct to attack other animals that are not their own species. Like cats, squirrels, and other dogs. SIberian Huskies do this for their own protection.