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salamanders like grass and rocks and even dirt they eat small bugs like ants and if u have a lot of ants in your house find one! they are very come !!

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Q: What is a Salamander's habitat and behavior like?
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What is a salamanders habitat?

the forest floor

What are tiger salamanders habitat?

Texas and north

What is the natural habitat of a salamander?

Salamanders are usually very small creatures with snake-like bodies, although unlike snakes their bodies have limbs and use quadrupedal motion to move. Salamanders naturally habitat darkly lit, damp, and densely wooded areas like the temperate forests in Northern America.

Native habitat endangered the salamanders?

Please rephrase your question, what do you mean?

What is the range and habitat map of salamander?

a salamanders habit is damp forest and ponds

What kind of habitat does a red backed salamander need to survive?

Red back salamanders need a moist, shady and leafy habitat.

What is the salamanders habitat?

A warm wet place, like central Kentucky wetlands. they are under ground mostly and only come out during early spring.

Salamanders have a backbone?

Yes, salamanders, like all vertebrates, have backbones.

How many green salamanders are left in this universe?

Green salamanders are considered "near threatened" and live in the Eastern United states. An actual count would be problematic as they are difficult to observe in their habitat.

What kind of habitat does a salamander live in?

Most salamanders live in moist areas but some live in water.

Why are the California tiger salamanders endangered?

Habitat Destruction is the primary reason for the decline in Tiger Salamander populations.

Are Salamanders warmblooded?

Salamanders are cold-blooded, not warm-blooded. Salamanders are amphibians, and all amphibians are cold-blooded. no. they take on the temperature of the environment. salamanders need a heat source like a light when in captivity.