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Q: What is a Sheep's average daily weight gain?
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What happens when your average daily caloric intake is less than your average daily caloric output?

you gain weight

What is average daily gain in cattle?

Average daily gain is the amount of weight an animal (steer, heifer, bull or cow) gains per day.

If your average daily caloric intake is more than your average daily caloric output?

then obviously you gain weight unless you have some kind of other health problem preventing weight gain like hyperthyroidism.

Do calories make you gain weight?

Yes, if you go over your daily maintenance(the amount of calories your body burns of daily) you will gain weight. If you can keep it at the same level you will maintain weight and if you go under your daily maintenance you will loose weight.

Formula for calculating ADG in cattle?

The formula for calculating ADG or average daily gain in cattle is just the rate of weight gain per day divided by a specific period of time. The ADG shows the average amount of weight gain an animal per each day over a given period of time it has been on feed.

How can you gain weight in one month in healthy way at home?

You can Gain Weight through proper diet and exercise everyday. Proper diet plays an important role in gaining weight. please check the below link for information about proper weight gain diet.

What is a weight gain calculator most useful for?

A weight gain calculator is useful in determining how many calories you need to intake on a daily basis in order to gain "good" weight and build muscle.

How much weight can a calf gain in a day?

Depending on the quality and quantity of milk it's getting every day, as well as the feed it eats, and the age of that calf, a typical calf will gain an average daily gain of 1.5 to 3 lbs.

Can you gain weight on a liquid diet?

If you are a high calorie liquid diet, it can make you gain weight. It is best to incorporate food into your daily calorie intake.

What is the average daily weight gain of cattle from birth to a slaughter weight of 1100 to 1200 pounds?

It depends on the diet of the cow, the birth weight and the live weight at slaughter. A typical steer on a grain diet in a feedlot will reach 1100 lbs in 15 months. He might start out with a birth weight of 85 lbs (ranging from 65-110 lbs). So his average daily gain from birth to slaughter would be 2.25 lbs. On a forage diet, it may take 18-24 months to reach 1100 lbs.

What is the average celebrity weight gain?

The average celebrity weight gain is roughly 15 pounds. Although some celebrities experience dramatic weight loss once they achieve fame (for example, Nicole Richie), it is also common for celebrities to experience dramatic weight gain (for example, Kristie Alley). Taking these extremes into account, the average weight gain is only about 15 pounds.