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Q: What is a Southern California Snake that has a red body with a black head and is approxamately 6ft long?
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You found something wiggling in your home It was a very small black and snake like but not sure. What is it?

Probaly a black rat snake. ------ Black rat snakes are common in the southern US and are not venomous.

What kind of snake is black with one white stripe?

its a Black & White Desert Phase California Kingsnake

What type of snake is black with white rings found in a warehouse?

From your description - it sounds like a California King Snake (non-venomous)

What kind of snake is black and turquoise?

black snake

In which countries is the Black Mamba snake found?

The black mamba snake is found throughout eastern and southern Africa. Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa all have populations of black mamba

How do you tell the gender of a California king snake?

the male king snake is a bit bigger then the female king snake and got lots of black on the belley and the female is a bit smaller then the male and does not have lots of black on its belley or take the king snake to a reptile pet shop and he will prob the snake and check if its male or feamale

Are black and yellow mud daubers found in Southern California?

Yes, they are found there.

What is a black and orange snack in southern California?

the native population sorce

What black snake has a pattern on if?

The black snake that has a pattern on it is the ring snake.

What kind of snake is black with yellow stripes?

Its a garter snake wich is harmless they have those colors because theyve been in the shade for a long time.

Black snake white ring around neck?

The northern ringneck snake is a small snake, which grows up to two feet long. They usually live in forests, grassy places, and the sides of streams.

What is the largest black snake?

The longest black snake in North America is named the black rat snake. The record size recorded of this black rat snake is eight feet in length. Which makes the black rat snake is the record longest.