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Q: What is a VB script to sort a string in ascending order?
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You can sort numeric fields in ascending order only?

No. They can be sorted either ways. Ascending or Descending.

Sort array in ascending descending order in python?

Using sorted(array,reverse=True)

A C program using dynamic memory allocation to sort n names in ascending order?

Writing a C program that uses dynamic memory allocation to sort names in ascending order is a typical computer science assignment. To write this program, you must be in UNIX.

In a selection sort when changing from ascending to descending order only---------- modifications need to be made to the algorithm?

Change every "<" to ">" and ">" to "<" .

Write a programme in c plus plus sort in ascending methods?

Use a std::set or std::multiset to sort elements automatically. The std::set container does not permit duplicates -- std::multiset does permit duplicates. The default sort order is ascending, providing the element types support the less-than operator. You can also provide your own comparator to change the order.

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Which action do you perform on a data source to reorganize the order of the record for a merge?

You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.You can sort the data in ascending or descending order.

What does it mean to sort a table in ascending order?

To sort from smallest to largest. Ascending means to go up.

What is it called when a feature sorts data into ascending alphabetical or numerical order?

ascending sort

What two ways can you sort information?

In ascending order and in descending order.

You can sort numeric fields in ascending order only?

No. They can be sorted either ways. Ascending or Descending.

How do you sort three nondescending numbers?

In ascending order, perhaps!

How do you sort dates in ascending order?

You can sort dates as you would sort regular data, highlight the range and click on sort and pick the order you want.

What does ascending sort order mean?

That they appear in alphabetical order... A, B, C. ... and so on.

What button do you use to put data in a specific order?

The sort buttons. You can use them to sort in ascending order or descending order. One has A above Z with a down arrow enabling you to sort in ascending order. The other has Z above A with a down arrow enabling you to sort in descending order. Once your data is selected, you can click the appropriate button to do the sort you want.

Pogram that will accept 10 letters and will sort in ascending order?

Now you are probably required to write the code out...but if you don't care about performance, see below of a script-like way of doing this (untested, wrote it from scratch so it may contain a small bug here or there): public static String orderString( String s ) { Set<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); String[] strArr = s.split( "[a-zA-Z]" ); for( int i=0; i < strArr.length; i++ ) { set.add( strArr[i] ); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for( String s : set ) { sb.append( s ); } return sb.toString(); }

How you rearrange the data in ascending or descending order?

Select the data you want to sort. Then use the Sort option, picking A to Z for ascending order or Z to A for descending order. You can choose which columns to sort by and even to do primary and secondary sorts, like sorting first by surname and then by first name.

Data organized in ascending or descending order?

ranking correct answer is numerical order