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Rosalind Reichel

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Q: What is a baby's language that consists of repetition of consonant vowel combinations called?
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What is it called when a consonant is repeated at the beginning of words?

When a consonant is repeated at the beginning of words in close succession, it is called consonance. This repetition can create a rhythmic and pleasing effect in language and is commonly used in poetry and literature.

Repetition of a vowel sound without the repetition of consonants?

This is known as internal rhyme. Internal rhyme occurs when words within the same line or within nearby lines of poetry have the same vowel sounds but different consonant sounds. It can add musicality and emphasis to the language.

What is a syllabul?

A syllable is a unit of spoken language that consists of a single uninterrupted sound. It is typically made up of a vowel sound with optional consonant sounds before or after it. Syllables are important in language because they help determine the rhythm and structure of words.

Is consonance an example of figurative language?

No, consonance is not an example of figurative language. Consonance is a literary device used in poetry and prose where the repetition of consonant sounds occurs within or at the end of words. Figurative language, on the other hand, includes devices like similes, metaphors, and personification that create imaginative comparisons and expressions.

What does the Berber language look like?

The Berber language is traditionally written using the Tifinagh script, which consists of an alphabet of characters representing consonants. Vowels are indicated using diacritical marks placed above or below the consonant characters. The script has a distinct geometric and angular appearance.

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What is a baby's language that consists of repetition of consonant-vowel combinations called?


What are unexpected consonant patterns?

Unexpected consonant patterns refer to combinations of consonant sounds in a word that are unusual or uncommon. These patterns may violate typical rules of phonetics or phonology in a particular language. For example, the word "strengths" is unexpected because it combines the consonant sounds /ngkst/ in a way that is not commonly found in English words.

What can alliteration be defined as?

In language, alliteration refers to the repetition of a particular sound in the first syllables of a series of words or phrases. Alliteration has historically developed largely through poetry, in which it more narrowly refers to the repetition of a consonant in any syllables that, according to the poem's meter, are stressed, as in James Thomson's verse "Come…dragging the lazy languid Line along".

What type of figurative language affects the sound of a poem?

Alliteration, consonance, and assonance are types of figurative language that affect the sound of a poem by creating musicality through repetition of sounds. Alliteration repeats initial consonant sounds, consonance repeats consonant sounds within words, and assonance repeats vowel sounds within words. Together, they can create a rhythmic, melodic quality in a poem.

What impact repetition have on a reader in English language?

The same impact as repetition has with learning anything. Repetition and demonstration are how we learn just about everything.

Is the letter w considered a vowel or a consonant?

In the English language the only letter that can be considered a consonant or a vowel is the letter Y. The letter W is a consonant.

How many consonant symbol are their?

21 in the English language

Language features in poetry like alliteration what are the deffinitions of them all and there are more then 6?

Some common language features in poetry include alliteration (repetition of initial consonant sounds), assonance (repetition of vowel sounds), onomatopoeia (words that imitate sounds), rhyme (repetition of similar sounds), imagery (vivid description using words that appeal to the senses), and metaphor (comparison between two unlike things). These features are used to enhance the beauty and impact of the poem.

What is the advantage of repetition in practicing new language?

Repetition helps reinforce new language patterns and vocabulary in your memory, making them easier to recall when needed. Regular repetition also improves fluency and accuracy in using the language, leading to more confident and natural communication.

What are imagery onomatopoeia alliteration and oxymoron?

Imagery is language that appeals to the senses, creating mental pictures for the reader. Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound it represents. Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. An oxymoron is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words.

How many consonants are there?

In the English language there are 21 consonant letters, including y which is a semi-consonant. There are also some consonant sounds, such as sh, which do not have individual letters to represent them.

What is allitaration?

Allitration is not a word, but alliteration is the repetition of sounds in a group of words, usually at the beginning of each word. An example: Lucky Lucy loses her money. It is used mainly in poetry to add rhythm and interest.