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Mum' teat, followed by sleep and somewhere warm to lie while sleeping.

It is much better for the overall health of the piglet if it has somewhere where it is protected from its Mum who will lay on top of 15-20% of her litter if nothing is done about 2-5% percent of sows will eat their litter if they are not protected.

In the Disneyland world of city folks some of the ways farmers protect the young piglets are sometimes seen as cruelty as they restrict the sows ability to cause chaos at farrowing.

We were pig farmers in the UK years ago. Over there the sows do about a week after farrowing in the crates then they go into loose housing on deep straw litter this is extremely efficient and seems to keep most of the public happy about the way pigs are raised.

It is a joy to watch a barn full of two week old piglets borrowing through their new straw.

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