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Q: What is a baby x-ray tetra?
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What is a neon Tetra baby called?

A baby neon.

What is AP babygram?

Babygram is an Xray of the whole baby. AP means that baby lays flat on its back and Xray is shot from front to back

What are baby tetras called?

baby tetra's are called fry if you want to find out more visit this

Can baby painted turtles eat tetra fin goldfish flakes?

Yes it can

How long does it take a baby tetra to become an adult?

6-9 months

How did Rex get the nickname x-ray?

When the Xray machine was invented in 1895 the inventor did not know why it worked so he called it the Xray because in Math X represents the unknown.

Will tetra eat baby molly's?

If the tetras are large enough to catch and eat them they certainly will.

Is tetra fish food toxic if your baby ate it?

no. it has nothing at all harmful unless your baby is allergic to something in it. its really just dried seafood.

How can you tell a neon tetra is having a baby?

The female may develop a swollen belly, caused by the developing eggs.

How old is tetra?

tetra is 11\12

What is tetra plus one?

tetra and 1

Do Betta and Tetra breed?

nobetta will kill tetra