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Q: What is a bacteria found in improperly canned foods that can cause illness or death?
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What is the cause of canned tomatoes goinng bad after on month?

They could have been processed improperly or there was packaging/seam failure or they were stored improperly.

Can spoiled cooked peas cause botulism?

Botulism is a specific type of foodborne illness. Improperly canned peas can cause botulism, so - depending how the cooked peas were handled - it could be possible that the spoiled cooked peas could, too.

All bacteria cause human illness?

For plato users the answer is False and no Bacteria cannot cause human illness

What illness or disease does compylobacter bacteria cause?

acute enreric illness

What is in bacteria?

Pathogenic bacteria are bacteria that cause human illness. Of all species of bacteria in the world, only a small percentage actually cause human disease.

How do drugs help treat an illness?

They either kill the bacteria that cause the illness, or they are killing the pain you would have from the illness

Is it true that all bacteria cause human illness?


Which kingdom consists of common bacteria that cause illness?


What bacteria can not cause foodborne illness?

It would be easier to list bacteria that are known to cause foodborne illness, since there are many many more that don't. But here are a few:non-pathogenic E. coliAcetobacterLactobacillus

What Illness are caused by bacteria?

Tuberculosis, Typhoid, and botulism.

What is the difference between pathogenic bacteria and non pathogenic bacteria?

"Pathogen" is something that gives rise to disease or infection. There are bacteria that do not do these things though, such as the culture in yogurt or the E.coli already residing in your stomach.

What can cause an illness?

Most illnesses are caused by viruses or bacteria entering the body.