

What is a battlesuit?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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A battlesuit is a term used in Science Fiction for a technologically enhanced suit worn in battle for protection or camouflage.

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Q: What is a battlesuit?
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ok this is how u do it, i beat the whole game and grenade jump was the hardest part and most time consuming throw the greande in a way so that it lies on the ground, so that you can stand over it and its not bouncing around, u have to be right underneath the grenade, for example if ur against a wall that is a 90 degrees angle, throw it in the corner and it will stay down, then stand on top of the grenade. when the grenade beeps red, wait a millisecond, and jump RIGHT BEFORE it explodes, ur jump, and the grenades blow will make u go flying throwing the grenade and jumping on top of the explosion wont do ***, ive tried it like a million times also, for levels like the grenade jump, dont use the heavy battlesuit. how to rocket jump: stand firmly on the ground, jump a millisecond before shooting ur foot, same concept as the grenade jump

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Close door on the robot boss and pick up your ally with E button (move him to the ship). Hint: Use grenades to move the first yellow guy under the floor and use the rocket launcher (5) to kill him by shooting at the floor. Remember to jump! Use the rifle (3) to kill the second yellow guy, and use the shotgun (4) to kill the third. gives you 777 grenades and unlimited money.