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Wow, that is a tough question.

If you had to look at the Periodic Table, you will see that copper is in fact a metal :o. There are however other metals that conduct electricity far better than copper. These metals unfortunately are not as common and thus as inexpensive as copper, thus are not widly used.

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Q: What is a better conducting electricity metal or copper?
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Copper metal conducts electricity. physical or chemical change?

Neither. Conducting electricity does not change copper either way.

Why is copper better than rubber to hold electricity?

Copper is a better conductor of not only electricity, but also heat. This is because copper is a metal.

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The better a metal conducts electricity, the better it is at conducting heat also. In order from worse to better, Carbon, Iron, Aluminum, Copper, Silver. But any metal is going to be fair, it is why metal is colder when you touch it, because it conducts heat better.

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Usually copper wires are preferred as a conductor. Or some other metal.

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What is good conductor of electricity and heat?

In general, the better a metal is for conducting heat, the better it is for conducting electricity. Aluminum is better at both than stainless steel, Copper is better than aluminum, silver is better than copper. The same is not true for non-metals. Some thing are equally good, or bad, at both, and others are good at one and not the other. One of the best conductors of heat is diamond, which is why they usually feel cool to the touch, but diamond is an electric insulator.

Does copper conduct electricity better than stainless steel?

Yes. At normal temperatures copper conducts electricity better than almost any other metal; silver is slightly better.

Is is silver a better conductor than copper?

Silver is the best conducting metal, both thermally and electrically. It is followed by Copper, then Gold, then Aluminum.

How much electricity can metal conduct?

It depends on the type of metal. The ability of a metal to conduct electricity is one trait that identifies a metal. For example, copper can conduct electricity very well (better than most metals).

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Which is the metal that is best conductor of heat and electricity?

Silver is the best metal which is the conductor of electricity and heat. Silver is the best electricity conducting element, but not the best heat conductor. Carbon(Diamond) and Helium(Helium II state) are even better conductors of heat.