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Q: What is a better way to say you too?
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A better way to say your bored is " I have nothing to do "

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A better way to say no charging in phone is to say the phone is not charged.

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tennis is WAY better! it is funner too.

What is the right way to say it you too or you to?

The correct way is "you too", implying you also or you in addition to.

Can I say I am glad that I met you also?

It is better to say "I am glad that I met you too".

What is a better way to say hi?

Say hello to everyone!

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you can say it has a low density

Is it correct to use does it says in a sentence?

No. The better way to say that would be "does it say."

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I thank it is a better way to say what.

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He's better qualified to do the job.

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nah, i prefer rice, but too much isn't good. they say,i meant SOME PEOPLE SAY that chapati is way better than rice as rice can make you fat easily. okay i wanted to ask, what's the best horoscope!?

How do you say would have slept better with you too in French?

I would have slept better with you too is 'moi aussi j'aurai mieux dormi avec toi' in French.