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Tarantula, is the answer I think you are looking for, found in tropical Ameriaca and south Europe.

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Q: What is a big hairy spider with a painful bite?
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What is a big hairy European spider with a painful bite?

A big,hairy European spider with a painful bite is what we call the ''TARANTULA''

A big hairy european spider with painful bites?


What is a tarantular?

a tarantular is a hairy 8 leged big spider. they can bite people and the can be venimous. alot of people have fobyers of them and you can also keep them as pets.

What spider leaves a bite with a red line coming from the round bite?

baby spider but it is big but i might be not ture there,s a lot of snakes a spider,s and bes,s that can bite you

Black fuzzy spider with red on its back?

A common black spider with a red spot on its back is the Jumping Spider. It is somewhat fuzzy. The Jumping Spider is about 1/8 - 3/4 inches long, very hairy, stocky built, and short-legged. The markings are diverse among its many species. Some are black with spots of orange or red on the back. At first site some fear it to be a Black Widow Spider. The Black Widow, however, has a red hourglass shape underneath on the belly and has longer legs.The difference in the Jumping Spider that I found in my home is that the orange marks near the face are lacking and the white spot on the back is a red spot.This answer is based on searching the Internet to find out what kind of spider was visiting my desktop.

Why are spiders so freaky?

Because they are big and have long arms(?) and they are hairy..they will bite ya

Can a wolf spider kill a person?

yes they are the 6th most deadly spider in the world.The most deadly is the minge spider it is big and hairy.

What type bite is big red and swollen with little festers?


What is that discoloration on Michael Jackson's right leg?

Vitiligo and the big black scab is from a spider bite.

Would a spider bite turn hard?

NO it won't turn hard it's just a big pain.

What should you do if your eleven and you got a recluse spider bite yesterday it hurts it itches and it swelled really big?

Go to your mom and ask her what she has for a bite like that. There is bite stuff you can put on it to help.

How big is a hairy spider?

Hairy spiders are not any particular size. They range from tiny jumping spiders less than an eighth of an inch in leg span to enormous tarantulas with leg spans of nearly a foot.