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Q: What is a blanket pardon?
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What president issued a blanket pardon to Vietnam war draft evaders?


Who issued a blanket pardon to Vietnam War Draft Evaders?

President Jimmy Carter.

Which president declared amnesty to Americans that went to Canada?

Jimmy Carter issued this blanket pardon.

Does the President have the power to pardon a criminal?

Yes. The president has the power to pardon or excuse people from federal crimes.He can pardon people who have not yet been indicted, as Gerald Ford did for Richard Nixon and he can issue blanket pardons as Jimmy Carter did for the people who dodged the draft during the Vietnam War.

Who can president pardon?

The US President cannot pardon someone convicted of crimes other than federal crimes, he cannot pardon someone who has been impeached (and tried, and convicted), and he cannot pardon himself. He also cannot pardon someone for crimes not yet committed. However, there is no requirement that someone actually be convicted, so a Presidential pardon can effectively block any prosecution.

Who can preside?

The president can pardon any person subject to Federal Law, except those who have been impeached. The person does not yet have to have been convicted of a crime - the pardon can provide immunity from conviction for a specific act.Pardons must be for a specific act, and cannot be for a blanket time period or the like. Also, presidential pardons only affect Federal law - the president cannot pardon someone subject to a state law.

Which former us president ran away to Canada to avoid being drafted?

No US president went to Canada to avoid the draft. Jimmy Carter was sympathetic to such people and he issued a blanket pardon to them.

What is the president's pardoning power?

The president can pardon or excuse people charged with federal crimes. He can pardon people from future indictments associated with past acts, as Gerald Ford did for Richard Nixon. He can also pardon people convicted by military courts martial and can issue blanket amnesty for all people who have violated laws that are no longer applicable as Carter did for people to fled the country to dodge the military draft during the Vietnam War .

What part of speech is the word pardon?

Pardon can be a noun -- I beg your pardon, I didn't see you sitting there. Pardon can be a verb -- The judge will not pardon his crime.

The legal document or action setting a person free from punishment-?


When can you get a pardon?

Requirements to get a Presidential Pardon

What does pardon pardon mean?
