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Simply called: Ex-brother in law

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Q: What is a brother in law once removed?
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How are you related to your wife's brother's son's daughter?

Your wife's brother is your brother-in-law. His son's daughter is his granddaughter and your child's first cousin, once removed, but is not related to you. You can refer to her as "my brother-in-law's granddaughter."

Am I related to my brother in laws grandson?

Yes, you are related to your brother-in-law's grandson. Your brother-in-law's grandson would be your nephew once removed. This means that you are not directly related by blood, but you share a family connection through your brother-in-law's family.

What relation is your dad's nephew's child to you?

Your nephew's fatehr is either your brother or your brother-in-law.

What would you call your cousin-in law's children?

The English language has not special name for the cousins of your spouse. You could just call them by their first names like you would your friends. If you really like them, you could decide to call them your cousins.

What is relationship name for your brother in law's cousin's daughter?

Your brother-in-law's first cousin's daughter is hisfirst cousin, once removed. However, the English language has no term or phrase describing your relationship to that person, with whom you share no ancestry.

What is a child's relationship to his cousin's son?

A boy and his mother's first cousin once removed are second cousins or first cousins twice removed. Which it is depends on whether the mom's first cousin once removed is the child of her first cousin or the mother of her second cousin. My first cousin, Mary, has a son, David, who is my 1st cousin, once removed. He is my daughter's 2nd cousin.

What do you call your cousin's brother's son?

Your cousin's brother is also your cousin. His child is your cousin once removed. For example, if your first cousin has a child, that child is your first cousin, once removed. If your third cousin has a child, the child is your third cousin, once removed.

What do you call your grandfather's brother's daughter?

Your grandfather's brother is your great uncle. His daughter (or his son) is your parent's first cousin and your first cousin, once removed.

What relation to you is your grandfather's brother's daughter?

Your grandfather's brother's daughter is your first cousin, once removed.

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How you are related to your mother's brother's aunt's only niece's mother-in-law's husband?

You aren't. Your mother's brother is your Uncle. Your Uncle's aunt is one of your grandparent's sisters - your grand Aunt. Her "only" niece could be your Uncle's sister or cousin, you don't provide enough information to know. If it's your Uncle's sister she is your Aunt. If it's your Uncle's cousin she is your first cousin, once removed. If it's your Aunt, her mother-in-law is simply the mother of the man she married. Your uncle-in-law's mom. The "in-law" thing does not carry past the Uncle-in-law, or you'd be "in-law" to the world. So no relation to his mom, or the mom's husband. If your cousin (once removed), her mother-in-law is simply the mother of the man she married. Your first cousin/once removed-in-law (not a generally recognized relation). Were it to be, it still doesn't go past the cousin/once removed-in-law, or you'd be "in-law" to the world. So no relation. Therefore no relation to his mom, or the mom's husband. (The phrasing "mother-in-law's husband" connotes that the man is a second husband and no relation to the Uncle-in-law or cousin/once removed-in-law - else such would have been described as "father-in-law" not "mother-in-law's husband. Therefore, even moreso NOT a relation.)

How are your children related to your brother's grandchildren?

Your children are the first cousins of your brother's children, and the first cousins once removed of your brother's grandchildren.