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Q: What is a bulging in the intestine or a weakness in the abdominal wall?
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The bulging of an arterial wall due to weakness in the wall is arterial aneurysm (artery + pertaining to ++ dilation). Both words are of Greek origin.

What is omphalocele?

omphalocele (protrusion of part of the intestine through the abdominal wall)

What connects the folds of the small intestine to the abdominal wall?


What is the medical term meaning outpouching through the muscular layer of the intestine often associated with the sigmoid colon?

A diverticulum (plural diverticuli) is an outpunching through the muscular layer of the intestine. The condition of having diverticuli is diverticulosis, and inflammation of one or more of the outpouchings is diverticulitis.An abdominal, ventral, or inguinal hernia, in contrast, is the abnormal outpouching of the intestine or other organ through a weakness of the abdominal wall.

Small intestine is attached to the posterior abdominal wall by a fold of the peritoneum called?


What skeleton protect intestine?

None actually, the intestines are guarded by a muscular wall known as the "abdominal wall" and is formed in layers.

What is the fan-shaped projection of peritoneum that connects the small intestine to the posterior abdominal wall?


What is definition of hernia?

A condition in which part of an organ is displaced and protrudes through the wall of the cavity containing it (often involving the intestine at a weak point in the abdominal wall).

Can a hernia grow back?

It's certainly possible !... A hernia is caused by the intestine protruding through the abdominal wall, caused by a weakness in the muscle structure. There may me more than one weak area - or the repair to the original problem might not have been as good as expected.

What holds the small intestine in place?

Tissues called mesenteries that extend from the abdominal wall which is called the peritoneum. to be short and sweet the answer is mesentery

What is a tear in the abdominal wall that allows part of the intestine to push through?

A hernia is the general name for the condition, because of the push through.

What is a muscle disorder of the abdominal wall?

A hernia. It is an organ or tissue that sticks out through a weak area in the muscle or other tissue that usually contains it such as the abdominal wall. The cause is usually a weakness in the wall. The first symptom is a bulge in the wall. Treat by wearing a supportive garment or truss. In severe cases, surgery is performed.