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A Whistleblower

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Q: What is a bureaucrat who discloses government misconduct or abuse of authority called?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of discloser?

One who discloses.

Can your illegal alien girlfriend get deported if you are trying to get security clearance for a federal government job?

You will never qualify for a federal security clearance if the background investigation discloses your close relationship status with an illegal alien.

What is the name of Bella's old Ballet Studio where she meets James?

It never discloses the name.

What do you do when you come out of the closet?

''Coming out of the closet'' generally refers to someone who acknowledges and discloses that he or she is gay.

What rhymes with discloses?

enclose, overdose, tow, blow, show, mow, flow, crow

What is the basic plan for all greek temples reveal?

discloses a close affinity with the Mycenaean megaron

How should you respond if a child discloses abuse or ill-treatment?

If a child discloses abuse or ill treatment, you should respond by contacting the proper local authorities in order to start an investigation. You can also contact the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453.

Is Jenna-Louise Coleman christian?

No research i could find discloses her beliefs, or lack of. One can only hope she is.

What is vertical and horizontal disclosure in group counseling?

Vertical disclosure is when a person self-discloses some content about themselves (such as an act they did) and goes deeper and deeper in the way of details. Horizontal disclosure is a meta-disclosure; when a person discloses about their disclosure (how it felt to disclose, why they felt comfortable or uncomfortable in disclosing, etc.).

What can happen to a bank employee who discloses private information to a third party?

a lost job and trust on a new job elsewhere

How many Filipinos have an account with Twitter?

An exact number is unknown - not everyone discloses their location. Follow the related link for the top 100 Filipino users.

How can i get a gender predictor?

There is no such thing as a gender predictor you will need to wait until the hospital discloses the information to you on her next scan, this will be the point in which you can determine the babies gender.