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"titty twister"? but i thought it was a purple nurple.

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1mo ago

A burple nurple is a playful term for giving someone a stern twist or pinch on their nipple as a prank or joke. It is not appropriate behavior and can be uncomfortable or painful for the person on the receiving end.

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Q: What is a burple nurple?
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What colors does burple absorb?

burple absorbs all colors except burple

What is a good name for a purple puffle?

Some good Purple Puffle names: Girl: Bubblegum Violet Grape Burple Nurple(LOL) Princess Cadence Boy: Disco Dancer Purple Rain MJ Michael Michael Jackson

What is the color of a burp?

A burp has no color... it is simply invisible. It's burple.

Does nurple rhyme with purple?

No, "nurple" and "purple" do not rhyme. "Purple" is pronounced with the sound /ɜr/ at the end, while "nurple" is pronounced with a different sound.

Is nurple a word?

Yes it is. Nurple was a word created in the late 17th century to describe the color of childrens' skin after being disciplined with switches. Although it is obvious that the word itself was derived from 'purple', it is unclear how the derivative 'nurple' came about.

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What is a purple nurple?

It is when a person grabs another person's nipple and twists it painfully.

What is purple nurple?

It is when a person grabs another person's nipple and twists it painfully.

What word cannot be rhymed?

OrangePurple (nurple is slang, so it doesn't count)

What was Andrew carnegie's favorite color?

I don't know...probably blue or green or orange or maybe yellow sometimes red when he gets out of bed...but mainly purple if he needs to burple...i like green orange and blue what's your favorite color?

Your left breast's nipple itches?

I have been trying to figure that out for days. It may have been when I got it caught in the door, or when my college roommate gave me that nurple back in '96, but man! It sucks!

What rhymes with sofia?

Hurdle capes rhymes with purple grapes turtle race turtle face turtle stakes purple plates whirlpool place need more hit me up by going to youtube and searching nero - rest in peace, click like and then drop ya comment peace