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You can design a Candle Magic spell of your own using a candle of the corresponding colour for prosperity, Symbols and incense for the purpose.

Use a Green colour candle

Use Sandalwood, Patchouli, Cinnamon etc. as incense

Draw symbols of Sun, Jupiter, Money symbol(s) etc. on the candle

If you can find, place stones/crystals of Tiger's eye, Golden Sandstone or an earth magnet near the candle.

Think about what you need and visualize in detail what outcome you expect, and then light the candle on a Thursday in the waxing phase of the moon.

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Q: What is a candle magick ritual for prosperity?
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What do you do when a candle doesn't burn out in a spell?

Candles are a common component of many spells and rituals. If the candle is a spell candle with a specific single use, you should allow the entire candle to burn out on its own. If you must leave the area, place it somewhere safe and fire proof. I have left candles to burn out in the bathtub (no water in it) when I had to leave. If the candle is a spell candle, made with the expectation of relighting it, for example a seven-day prosperity spell, the candle is snuffed out, (do not blow it out) at the end of the allotted time of that segment of the spell. If the candle is part of a ritual, for example: the elemental candles used when calling a dismissing the elements (quarters, directions) then the candle may be snuffed out when you dismiss the elemental. If the candle is part of a ritual and used to invoke the deities then it should not be put out at the end of the ritual, but allowed to burn out on its own. In the case of large multi-use candles sometimes used for this purpose, you may snuff out the candle when you are dismantling the Altar after the ritual.

Can you have a green candle during the joining of Satan?

It is up to personal interpretation and belief whether a green candle can be used during the joining of Satan. Some may view the color green as representing balance or harmony, which could potentially be suitable for certain rituals. Ultimately, the choice of candle color and symbolism is dependent on the practitioner's beliefs and intentions.

What does it mean to consecrate a candle?

Consecrating a candle typically involves a ritual or prayer to cleanse and sanctify the candle for a specific purpose, such as for use in meditation, prayer, or spiritual practices. It is a way to imbue the candle with positive energy and intent before using it.

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Why is Magick spelled two ways?

Magic spelled this way is show magic. Magick spelled this way is real magick or religious magick.

Can people get magic?

No, you can not "get magick" but you can study and practice magick.

How could you get magic?

You don't 'get' magick; everyone has the ability to wield some form of magick or another be it in the form of spells or anything else that you dop to effect change. Magick, in a nutshell, is change; that's the only constant in life and magick is just manipulating energies to get it. No matter who you are or where you're at in life, what religion or culture, everyone is born with magick. Aren't we all born of the same matter that appeared, or was created, by magick/magickal beings? I am using a Wiccan understanding of the word magick and use the 'k' to differentiate between that discussed above and a magician's trick like those performed at a child's birthday party. You should read up on this and search lots of sources and et cetera. The only person who can awake your magickal gifts is you; whether you use candles in spellcraft or athame's in rituals, if you're into ritual magick if any at all, the instrument that is never changed is the user, YOU. We all have the power to be magickal, we just need to find it!

Does anyone have any proof that wizards exist?

Possily, possibly not. I'm not sure. I think you have to believe these things with your entire being or not at all. There is no imbetween. You either believe in the concept of magick and ritual, nature and spirituality, or you don't. I do personally; i practice ceremonies and magick frequently. But everyone has their own opinions and that's how it will always be. there will always be sceptics.

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Mathematical Magick was created in 1648.

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Heavy on the Magick was created in 1986.

When did Heavy on the Magick happen?

Heavy on the Magick happened in 1986.

What should you do with the wax leftover from a burned out candle after ritual?

Since general magic theory claims that the candle is burned as an offering to the spirit/god/goddess to which the spell or ritual was directed, ideally it should be left to burn until there is nothing left, or at least nothing that it is functionally burnable (if you run out of wick, for instance, or only have small scattered amounts of wax left in the bottom of a candle holder). At which point any remnants should be destroyed in a way sympathetic to the spell/ritual. If its a love/healing ritual (for instance) it can be buried. If the situation arises where you just have no functional way of getting rid of the last bits of a ritual candle, for whatever reason, I'm sure the powers that be would understand, in which case I'd just wrap it in a small bag (paper's fine if you're trying to go green) and toss it with the rest of your trash. Don't agonize over it.