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Carnivores only eat meat

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Q: What is a carnivores diet?
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Are raccoons herbivores carnivores or omnivores?

Technically, raccoons are carnivores but have an omnivorous diet.

Are raccoons omnivores herbivores or carnivores?

Raccoons are technically carnivores but have an omnivorous diet.

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a herbiorous diet be argued as being more energy efficient tnan a carnivores

What is the diet of a Black Widow Spider?

The Black Widow's diet is carnivores

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Frogs are carnivores as adults. Tadpoles are herbivores.

What does carnivores do?

A carnivore eats meat as their primary diet.

Why are alligators carnivores?

Alligators are considered carnivores because their diet consists of only animal matter, such as meat.

What does a cougar feed on diet?

Cougars are predatory carnivores, they will feed on small mammals and deer. This is their diet.

Is cats a herbivore?

No, all cats are strict carnivores and need a diet of meat to supply them with needed nutrients.

What is the difference in the diet of carnivores and herbivores?

herbivores only eat plants and carnivores eat both meat and plants.

What animal has a meat rich diet?

Carnivores. Such as lions etc

What is the diet of a carnivore?

carnivores are things that eat only meat