

What is a carruca?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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15y ago

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A carruca is an Iron plow used to turn over heavy soil. It helped drain extra water. It was pulled by oxen.

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Q: What is a carruca?
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How did the use of the carruca lead to the growth of farming villages?

The use of the carruca, a heavier plow that was more efficient at turning over heavy soil, allowed farmers in medieval Europe to cultivate previously uncultivated lands. This expansion of arable land led to increased agricultural productivity, surplus food production, and population growth in farming villages.

Where did the ancient Romans sleep when they were traveling?

On boats-on the benches at the sides. On the floor of a carruca or on the benches. In the litter. If they had stopped travelling, and wanted to stay somewhere, they would sleep in an inn, most were not very high quality in the country.

What is 'car' in Latin?

A Latin equivalent of the English word 'car' is carrus. The Latin word is a masculine gender noun. Its literal meaning is 'a kind of four-wheeled baggage wagon'. Another Latin equivalent is carruca, which is defined as 'a kind of four-wheeled carriage'.

what transportation did the Romans use?

Mostly the Romans used their own two feet for transportation, especially if they were in the city. It was easier to get through the crowded streets on foot. They also had carrying chairs and litters for those wealthy enough to afford them. They had carriages and carts. For transporting goods or merchandise they used wagons or ships, boats, or river barges.

Did the Franks speak a language that eventually became French?

Yes, Latin. The Romans introduced Latin to Gaul, and the Gauls became Romanized and lost their own language. When the Franks moved into Gaul, or France as it would become, they copied the people who were already there. The Latin spoken by the Gauls and Franks wasn't very good Latin, and it was full of foreign words like "carruca" which gives us "charrue", meaning a plow and "herse", meaning a harrow (for instance.) So the Latin they spoke was already quite different from the Latin spoken by Julius Caesar, and was slowly evolving into another language. When the Franks first arrived, they spoke Frankish, a language which has now disappeared, but which was related to German and Dutch.

What did ancient Greece use to travel?

Ancient Greeks used to travel on foot because they were whell trained but if the distances where too long they used horses. The ancient Greeks used to travel on foot because they were well trained.They used to travel very long distances for example 500 km so they had some places or sth like hotels to rest.But going on foot such a long trip was exausting so sometimes they used horses or even took them why they were travelling on foot so when they couldn`t walk any more they ride them to continue there trip. they also rode in chariots.

What did the Romans use to travel long distances?

The most common way to travel was on foot for short distances. Those who had a donkey, a mule or a horse would ride their animal to their destination. Those who had their way could use a carriage which was drawn by horses and those who were looking for safety would use a merchant ship of the time. It is understood that individual travel was not easy at the time and you could not meet a "tourist" wondering around.

Cual es el origen de la lengua francesa?

El origen de la lengua francesa se remonta al latín vulgar, que era la forma de latín hablada por las clases bajas en la antigua provincia romana de Galia. A medida que el latín vulgar evolucionó, se convirtió en una lengua romance conocida como "langue d'oil", que finalmente se convirtió en la base del francés moderno. La influencia de otras lenguas, como el celta y el germánico, también contribuyeron al desarrollo del francés.