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Q: What is a catchy name for a science project on oranic and nonorganic seeds?
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What element do all oranic compounds contain?


What should be the properties of organic compounds so that hey can be separated by distillation?

To distill you need two soluble oranic materials which have different rates of evaporation when dissolved in water.

What is SNG?

SNG is Synthetic Natural Gas. This is a flammable gas that is made upp primarily of methane from industrial processes as a byproduct or by hydrogenation of heavier oranic materai. The main component is methane.

How does digestion in non ruminant in animals occur?

Digestion is a mechanical, chemical and biological process which liberates oranic and inorganic nutrients from ingested food and liquids. Complex carbohydrates, proteins and other materials are reduced to sugars, amino scids and similar materials. Water, carbobn dioxide, salts, refractory materials and toxic are excreted as waste.Th e process is:Reduction of food by mastication with the addition of salivary digestive enzymes.Mixing and heating with hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomachExtraction of nutrient values in the gutExtraction of water in the large intestineExcretion of waste.

Which of the following is an example of an organic compound C6H12O6 NO2 H2O O2?

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon containing compounds. Inorganic chemistry is the study of all other compounds , that do not contain carbon. However, there are a number of 'cross-over' points, where inporganic chemical can be involved in organic chemistry. It follows that C6H12O6 is organic NO2 , H2O and O2 are inorganic. However, these three molecules can be involved in organic chemical reactions.

What is the type of reaction involved in Fehling's test?

mix equal of fehling's solution A and B in test tube add a picth of oranic compound and boil for five minutes result;red precipiate will be formed

Are rotifers consumers?

1. Predatory/Carnivorous feeding - species like those in the Nereid group actively pursue prey; often they use an evertable proboscis with jaws2. Deposit Feeding - species like those in the terebellid group use tentacles to pick up sediment with organic matter attached and bring it to their mouth3. Suspension Feeding - species like those in the sabellid group use feathery tentacles in the water column to capture plankton and oranic matter flowing in the water column

Why is soil darker when wet?

Sure. The soil can be red,black,yellow,gray and brown!i never thought soil good be yellow and red(: