

What is a cheetah's diet?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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7y ago

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Almost all antelope they mostly eat the fauns but if they really need the meat they will hunt the females and males. They eat wildebeest cafes the males take down bigger prey like wildebeest zebra. The cheetah's diet consists of impala, springbok, Gazelles, kob, warthogs, lesser kudu, blackbuck, hares, and game birds. Male coalitions sometimes take larger prey such as wildebeest. They generally stalk their prey until they are only about 20 meters away, then they chase, which lasts about 20 seconds. The cheetah is only successful in catching it prey in about half of all chases and they often lose they catch to lions and hyenas. Unlike other large cats, the cheetah generally hunts during the daytime.

The main prey of the cheetah are small antelope, birds, hare, and warthogs. Cheetahs eat about 6 lbs of meat per day. A good meal is a gazelle, a gnu, a warthog, an impala, or a wildebeest calf. The cheetah's diet includes gazelles, impalas, birds, rabbits, young wart hogs, sables, and springbok. The cheetah's favorite type of food is antelope, especially impalas or the Thompson's gazelle.
Cheetahs eat gazelles and other antelope.
Cheetahs are carnivorous, and prey mostly on mammals that weigh under 88 pounds. This includes gazelles, and impalas, as well as younger large mammals, like zebras and wildebeests.
their diet is smaller antelopes

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14y ago

Cheetahs eat all types of food, but mainly they would eat Impala,SpringBok,Gazelle,Kob,Warthogs,Lesser Kudu& Blackbuck

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Yes cheetahs are carnivores.Yes, their diet depends upon fresh meat.Yes, they are carnivores (usually they eat young antelope)yes cheetah do eat meat that means they are carnivore's.

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A cheetahs diet is mainly gazelles, they do sometimes eat impalas and gazelles. They have also been known to eat birds, lizards, or even insects if they are really hungry.

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