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Q: What is a chemical change that involves oxygen?
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What is a Chemical change that involves the burning of a substance with oxygen that give off light and heat energy?


What answer of burning paper physical change o chemical change?

Chemical change. Burning anything will create a chemical change. Burning involves taking the object/substance being burnt + oxygen to produce water and carbon dioxide.

Is oxygen mechanical or chemical weathering?

I Believe it is chemical weathering because oxidation is chemical and involves oxygen and water

Is oxygen a chemical change or a physical?

Oxygen is a substance, an element out of the periodic system.

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what involves both chemical and physical change on earths surface

Is forming ozone from oxygen a chemical change?

Putting oxygen in tanks (under pressure) is a physical change, not a chemical change. The chemical nature of the oxygen has not been altered, and it is possible to recover the original substance, thus it is not a chemical change.

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The chemical change of glucose and oxygen into energy -?

The chemical change of glucose and oxygen into energy is called fermentation.

Is an ability to burn physical or chemical?

It is a chemical property, as it involves a chemical change.

Is combining hydrogen and oxygen a physical change or a chemical change?

This is a chemical change.

How do oxygen produce energy when there no light?

Through oxidation. That is to say, a chemical reaction that involves oxygen.

Is burning alcohol in oxygen a physical or chemical change?

It is a chemical change.