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Q: What is a chitious exoskeloton?
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Do ladybugs have a exoskelton?

No they have no skeleton or exoskeloton

Does a hermit crab have an exoskeloton?


Do spiders shed their exoskeloton?

yes spiders do

Dose a spiters have skeletons or exoskeleton?

Spiders have an exoskeloton.

Does a crab have a exoskeloton?

Since it's an invertebrate I should say yes.

What is part of the body of the exoskeloton that covers the cephalothorax and protects the internal organs?


Any crustacean facts?

they have a hard external shell called an exoskeloton that protects their skin.

Do regal horned lizards have a exoskeloton or an endoskeloton?

An Exoskeleton. They don't have an exoskeleton. Those spines are an addition, not armor.

Do regal horned lizards have exoskeloton or an endoskeloton?

An Exoskeleton. They don't have an exoskeleton. Those spines are an addition, not armor.

Do tigers have exoskeloton or endoskeloton?

exoskeleton refers to a layer mostly composed of kerocyne in the outside of an animal and endo mostly refers to a bone structure. Tigers have endoskeletons Tigers are vertebrates and have an endoskeleton, just like all mammals.