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Mucus can get into your lungs if your ciliated cells stop working.

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11y ago

Designed to stop dust and bacteria.

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Q: What is a ciliated cell designed to stop?
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What tissue does ciliated cell form?

Ciliated cells form epithelial tissue. These specialized cells have hair-like structures called cilia on their surface that help move substances across the surface of tissues, such as in the respiratory tract to help clear mucus.

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What is a cilitated cell designed to stop?

they stop heart desise

What is ciliated cell's adptation?

Ciliated cells help to clear dust and dirt from your airways with tiny hairs.

When does a ciliated cell die?

A ciliated cell dies when it finishes doing it job which is either to sweep up mucus to the throat or to brush up dust and destroy it.

Why do you need ciliated cell?

because they clear out the lungs

What does ciliated mean?

Ciliated cell line all the air passages in your lungs. they have tiny hairs which filter the air as it blows through. the hair sweeps mucus with trapped dust and bacteria up to the back of the throat where its swallowed

What job does the ciliated cell do?

I need to know how ciliated cells help the fertilised egg to function

Where do you find a ciliated cell in a female repoductive system?

in the oviduct

What is the job of ciliated epitheliel cell?

They sweep dust and microbes

How is a ciliated epithelial cell modified?

A ciliated epithelial cell is modified with hair-like structures called cilia on its surface that help in moving substances along the cell surface. These cilia beat in a coordinated manner to generate a unidirectional flow of substances like mucus in the respiratory tract or egg in the fallopian tubes. The presence of cilia increases the surface area of the cell and enhances its function in moving materials efficiently.