

What is a city's disrepair decay?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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urban decay.

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Q: What is a city's disrepair decay?
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disrepair, collapse, dereliction, decrepitude, decay, ruin, shabbiness, destruction

Does urban decay occur in America?

Urban decay occurs anywhere in the world where cities fall into disrepair and apathy is rampant. Urban decay was especially apparent in large cities such as New York in the late 1970s, spurring programs of urban renewal to address the problem.

What is disrepair?

Disrepair: poor condition of a building or structure due to neglect

How do you use the word disrepair in a sentence?

This old building is in a state of disrepair.

How do you write a sentence using the word disrepair?

Dont disrepair the bicycle.

What is a sentence for disrepair?

Example sentence - The cabin had been left in disrepair for a very long time.

What is the maening of dilapidated?

Dilapidated means something that is in a state of disrepair or in a run-down condition. It typically refers to buildings or structures that are damaged, deteriorated, or in a state of decay due to neglect or age.

What actors and actresses appeared in Disrepair - 2008?

The cast of Disrepair - 2008 includes: Gregory Catellier as Motor-scooter rider

How do you use disrepair in a sentence?

you cant

What is a dilapidated?

In a condition of partial ruin or disrepair

What is another word for disrepair?

disorder and In-Order

Is disrepair mean ruin?

most likely