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Q: What is a class of depressant drugs or sedative-hypnotics?
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Is a depressant a downer?

Yes, they are the same class of drugs.

When combined with alcohol or depressant drugs the depressant effect of antihistamines can be much?

yes -taken with alcohol or depress. drugs effects will be greater.

What are the penalties and provision on the misuse of depressant drugs?

The penalties for the possession and misuse of depressant drugs will depend on the laws of the state you are in. The provisions would be the same.

When combined with alcohol or other depressant drugs the depressant effects antihistamines can be much?

yes -taken with alcohol or depress. drugs effects will be greater.

When combined with alcohol or other depressant drugs the depressant effect of antihistamines can be greater?

yes -taken with alcohol or depress. drugs effects will be greater.

When combined with alcohol or other depressant drugs the depressant effect of antihistamines can be much greater.?

yes -taken with alcohol or depress. drugs effects will be greater.

Who invented depressant drugs?

Leo Sternbach in 1955

When combined with alcohol or other depressant drugs the depressant effect of antihistamines can be much?

yes -taken with alcohol or depress. drugs effects will be greater.

What drug class is Cymbalta?

Cymbalta is an anti-depressant.

What is intemperate use of alcohol or drugs?

They are addicting and they are depressant drugs. drugs like crack, meth, angel dust, pills, speed, and, rolaids.

Why might depressant drugs be fun to take?

some may cause halucinations

Are Barbiturates among the most widely used depressant drugs in your society?

That is true