

What is a clown fishes social habits?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is a clown fishes social habits?
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What are some of the clown fishes social habits?


Do others fishes eat clown fishes?

Other Fishes eat mainly plankton, but bigger fishes like sharks do if the clown fish doesnt hide in time

What is a a clown fishes main predators?


What are a clown fishes predators?

It is the Moray eel

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ducks or fishes

What is the clown fishes body shape?

fish like

What is a clown fishes house?

coral, and sea enenimes

What water do clown fishes live in?

Shallow seawater.

Is a clown fish a herbivore?

No, a clownfish is an omnivore, meaning it eats both plants and animals. In the wild, clownfish primarily feed on algae, zooplankton, and small crustaceans.

How much babies do clown fishes have?

About 200 and about 90% die

What is the scientific name for a Clown Fish?

There are subtypes of clown fishes with different latin names. You can check names from bottom link: