

What is a colonial legacy?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: What is a colonial legacy?
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What is colonial legacy?

A country's colonial legacy is the buildings, infrastructure, customs, language, and institutions carried forward from its colonial period into its postcolonial period. For example, the fact that most people in Mali speak French as a second language is part of their colonial legacy.

What is example of a Colonial legacy?

Europeans named the cities of Georgetown, Guyana; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Santiago, Chile are examples of a colonial legacy.

What is Example of colonial legacy?

The answer is Most of them are ROMAN CATHOLIC

Is an example of colonial legacy?

The answer is Most of them are ROMAN CATHOLIC

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Police officers began to be armed and uniformed.

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The legacy left on other Australians by Ned Kelly, an Australian bushranger, was resistance to British colonial ties.

Why India is more crazy about cricket?

India's enthusiasm for cricket is a legacy of the British colonial period.

What countries are making progress to establish democrat in spite of the legacy of colonial rule?

South Africa

What legacies of colonial policing remained intact after the American Revolution?

The principle of civil control of the military remained intact, the true legacy of Colonial policing after the Revolutionary War.

What is the legacy of 300 years of spanish colonial rule?

its that millions of native people now speak quechua

When did goa church come into the world legacy?

Goa is also the perfect of cultural equilibrium and does the balancing act Churches and Cathedral of Goa: Colonial legacy of Old Goa, a designated World.