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This is an exam that basically tests for colon cancer (butt). Usually you do not need this until you are older.. maybe around your 50s

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Q: What is a colonscopy?
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What happens when you need to have a colonoscope?

A colonscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look at the lining of your large bowel (colon and rectum) inflammation signs of some sort of cancer.

Is it common for paralegics to have colonscopy bags?

It's not an automatic procedure, but is highly recommemded as it makes caring for the individual... It also reduces the amount of skin damage and irritation cuased by fecal material.

What are the duties of a gastroenterology?

To assess ur digestive system functions thru scoping(endoscopy/colonscopy) and provide diagnosis and treatment(surveillance/medications/etc) for best possible patient outcomes.

Can women has a colonscopy during their period?

Yes, a woman can have a colonoscopy during her period. However if the women is prone to menstrual cramps it is something that she may want to avoid because the same hormone-like chemicals responsible for menstrual cramps can effect the colon and bowels. Women often experience cramping and diarrhea during menstruation, so a colonoscopy may not be comfortable.

Can you eat pretzels 3 days before a colinoscopy?

Although it is not common to have dietary restrictions three days before a colonoscopy, this is a question to ask your doctor. By calling your doctor's office, you may receive an answer from a nurse or your doctor's medical assistant.

Can you take tramadol prior to surgery?

I would have to say yes, I have taken it before my surgery and had no issues. You may have to check with your Dr though if you are instructed not to take anything that thins your blood. Tramadol is not a blood thinner it is an opiate antagonist which means in simple terms is like an opiate but without giving you much of a simple terms it fills in the gaps of what an opiate would do in the brain in some ways. Its a pain killer for mild to moderate pain as far as I am aware. It is better to check with your Dr though for all matters and depending on the surgery my advice might not be right for you?

What is antral erythema?

i do not know but i was told i have this on endoscopy by my GI quack doctor in florida. second part of this word means redness, that i know. the rest is anyone's guess since the idiot would not tell me what it meant since it took too much time for him to discuss it with me, he might lose money for spending 5 min more with me. so, i have to google it just like eveyone else on here b/c doctors are too busy and dont give a $-it but anything for $$$. so i have ''acute duodenitis'' mucosa showing focal erosions, mild blunting of the villi. even though i have occult blood and had a colonscopy that i dont want to repeat, this idiot didnt bother to take a biopsy of my colon since he is such a genius, he just automatically knew beforehand i have no colon cancer. how nice, isnt it great to have such genius doctors who dont even have to biospy this until i wind up with it and have to then repeat a yet another unpleasant procedure since the lazy f-ker would not do it right the first time? hell what would have been the cost of a petri dish for a biospy, 3.00? to confirm or deny this? so nice these idiot doctors here in florida, if you need a doctor in florida, you are wasting your time here, they treat dogs better than people down here.

How to prepare for a colonscopy?

A colonoscopy is a procedure where a camera is inserted into the rectum and through the intestines. It is used to check for a variety of gastroenterology disorders and problems. This would include things like Crohn’s disease, bowel obstruction, polyps, Colitis among other issues. Since the procedure involves light anesthesia there will be specific instructions given by the doctor. In generally though, the preparation for the procedure is about the same. Since the scope is passed through the intestines, it is important to clean out the bowels. This is done using an oral solution called golytle. Follow these simple steps the day before your colonoscopy.Step 1 – Pick up your prescription from the pharmacist. This is a powder in a large plastic container that is mixed with water. The morning before your procedure, mix the solution according to the label instructions. Then refrigerate.Step 2 – Eat a light lunch and then two to four hours after wards you will start drinking the golytle. Your doctor will let you know what time, but usually it will start in the early evening, between 3:30 am to 5:30 pm. Make sure you do not eat anything solid two hours prior to taking the medication. Drink an eight ounce glass of the solution. After ten minutes drink another glass, and continue drinking one glass every ten minutes until the container is empty. Do not eat anything after you start drinking the solution.Step 3 – Keep a sports drink handy and plenty of water. Since golytle flushes out the bowels you will lose a lot of fluids and electrolytes through your stools. Drink a sports drink as needed to replace nutrients.Step 4 – Do not eat anything two hours before starting the golytle until after your procedure. Do not drink anything after midnight before the colonoscopy. This is especially important due to the anesthesia.Step 5 – Check in at your allotted time and bring all paperwork with you. Since you will be unable to eat before the colonoscopy you may want to bring a snack with you for afterward.Following these steps will help you prepare for a successful procedure.