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There are many, many colorful predatory fish that inhabit coral reef areas. The most common of these is the grouper and seabass family.

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Q: What is a colorful predator darting between corals?
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What is a colourful predator that darts between corals?

miniatus grouper

Why the coral reef is so bright and colorful?

Corals host symbionts with colorful photosynthetic pigments.

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There is none. Corals are cnidarians.

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Innovations to the necklace include colorful stones, art glass, feather, shells, beads, or corals.

What is the main difference Between hard and soft corals?

The difference is in the name; soft corals are soft have body ; with no bony or hard Parts

What is the difference between hard corals and soft corals?

The difference is in the name; soft corals have a soft body, with no bony or hard parts. In contrast, hard corals have a hard endoskeleton made of calcium carbonate.

What are some differences between mangroves and coral reefs?

1). is mangroves grow above water and corals don't 2). corals are very frigaile mangroves are strong

Why soft corals live in deeper water than hard corals?

soft corals live deeper water than hard corals because soft corals do not create a hard outer skeleton as the hard corals do.

Do crabs live on the Ocean floor?

Absolutely, there are many hundreds of different species of crabs that live on coral reefs. Many of them have close associations with the corals, such as the Acropora crabs, which live in between the branches of Acropora corals, and eat the slime that the corals produce.

Are corals plants or fish?

Corals are plants.