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Q: What is a combination of the greek words meaning 'light' and 'to put together'?
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What is the Greek roots of photosynthesis?

It is a Greek word. It is made up of the words φως (phos, meaning light) and σύνθεσις (synthesis, meaning putting things together in order to make something). Therefore the meaning is "using light to make something" (energy to grow, etc) Save

Describe how the meaning of the term photosynthesis is a combination of the meaning of the prefixes photo and syn?

The term "photosynthesis" combines the prefixes photo (meaning light) and syn (meaning together). This accurately reflects the process, as photosynthesis is a biochemical reaction that uses light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. It symbolizes the coming together of light and chemical reactions in plants to produce energy.

What is the greek root for photo?

from the Greek 'phos' meaning light

Photo means what in Greek?

photo is from phos φώς ΦΩΣ=light

Where did the word photosynthesis originate from?

The word "photosynthesis" originates from Greek words: "photo" meaning light and "synthesis" meaning putting together. Together, the word describes the process by which plants and some microorganisms convert light energy into chemical energy to produce their own food.

What two greek words is photosynthesis based on?

Photosynthesis is based on the two Greek words "photo" meaning light and "synthesis" meaning putting together. This process involves using light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen through a series of chemical reactions in plants.

What is the meaning of photosynthesis?

It is a Greek word. It is made up of the words φως (phos, meaning light) and σύνθεσις (synthesis, meaning putting things together in order to make something). Therefore the meaning is "using light to make something" (energy to grow, etc) Save

What 2 greek words roots make up the words photography?

The word "photography" is derived from the Greek roots "photos" (light) and "graphos" (writing or drawing).

Where did the word photography derive?

From Greek, meaning painting with light

What is the general meaning of the prefixes?

photo- comes from a Greek for light.

What the meanings of photosynthesis?

It is a Greek word. It is made up of the words φως (phos, meaning light) and σύνθεσις (synthesis, meaning putting things together in order to make something). Therefore the meaning is "using light to make something" (energy to grow, etc) Save

What is the Greek meaning for the word Light?

ΦΩΣ φώς (phos) E.g. 'photography' = light-writing.