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Q: What is a conjoined nerve root sheath?
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What does it mean to have minimal nerve root sheath cutoff?

A minimal nerve root sheath cutoff indicates a slight narrowing or compression of the protective covering around a nerve root in the spinal canal. This can lead to symptoms such as pain, tingling, or weakness in the area supplied by that particular nerve root. Monitoring and managing the condition is crucial to prevent further complications.

What is required to maintain nerve fiber sheath?

required to maintain nerve fiber sheath

What is myelin sheath on nerve fibers?

The endoneurium surrounds and protects the myelin sheath.

What is the fibrous covering or nerve sheath which aids in fiber regeneration?

myelin sheath.

What is the medical term meaning Benign tumor of the peripheral nerve sheath?

A benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor is a schwannoma or neurofibroma.

What nerve structure speeds the passage of a nerve impulse?

Myelin sheath and nodes

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What are treatment options for conjoined nerve root?

J Neurosurg. 1982 Jan;56(1):114-7. Surgical treatment of 63 cases of conjoined nerve roots.White JG 3rd, Strait TA, Binkley JR, Hunter SE.AbstractThe operative results of 63 cases of lumbar disc disease with surgically confirmed conjoined nerve roots are reviewed. The first 55 patients were treated by standard hemilaminectomy and discectomy, with only 30% reporting a good result. Of the last eight patients treated

What does demyelination affect?

The myelin sheath that surrounds the nerve

What is the insulating layer wrapped around nerve cells that increases the speed of nerve impulse transmission?

The myelin sheath. Due to its insulating properties, the myelin sheath prevents the movement of ions in nerve cells. Therefore nervous impulses will jump between the gaps in the myelin sheath (called the Nodes of Ranvier). This is a lot quicker than the conduction in non-myelinated nerve fibres which occurs by the movement of ions across each of the nerve cell membranes.

Gaps in myelin sheath?

You can have benign tumors of myelin sheath cells, like astrocytoma. Nerve cells do not divide and so you do not get tumors of nerve cells. Also destruction of the myelin sheath is the cause of MS (multiple sclerosis).

What is neurilemania?

Neurilemmomas are benign, encapsulated tumors of the nerve sheath.