

Gaps in myelin sheath

Updated: 8/9/2023
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14y ago

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You can have benign tumors of myelin sheath cells, like astrocytoma. Nerve cells do not divide and so you do not get tumors of nerve cells.

Also destruction of the myelin sheath is the cause of MS (multiple sclerosis).

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Nodes of Ranvier

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Q: Gaps in myelin sheath
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Where are nodes of ranvier found?

In the fatty myelin sheath there are gaps between the axons. The myelin sheath gaps are referred to as the nodes of Ranvier.

What are the gaps found along along a myelin sheath?

node of ranvier

What are the gaps between the myelin sheath along an axon?

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What does myelin sheath wrap around?

The myelin sheath wraps around the around the axon of a neuron. The gaps of the myelin sheath are not insulated and are therefore capable of generating electrical activity.

What is the insulating layer wrapped around nerve cells that increases the speed of nerve impulse transmission?

The myelin sheath. Due to its insulating properties, the myelin sheath prevents the movement of ions in nerve cells. Therefore nervous impulses will jump between the gaps in the myelin sheath (called the Nodes of Ranvier). This is a lot quicker than the conduction in non-myelinated nerve fibres which occurs by the movement of ions across each of the nerve cell membranes.

Phrenology highlighted the presumed functions of?

It is etiher a. specific brain regions. b. synaptic gaps. c. endorphins. d. the myelin sheath. It is etiher a. specific brain regions. b. synaptic gaps. c. endorphins. d. the myelin sheath.

What is the myelin sheath's function?

The function of the myelin sheath is to insulate the axon of the neuron. When there are gaps in the sheath, known as nodes of Ranvier, the nerve impulse can jump from gap to gap, thus increasing greatly the speed of conduction of the nerve impulse. This is known as saltatory conduction.

What the function of the myelin sheath?

The function of the myelin sheath is to insulate the axon of the neuron. When there are gaps in the sheath, known as nodes of Ranvier, the nerve impulse can jump from gap to gap, thus increasing greatly the speed of conduction of the nerve impulse. This is known as saltatory conduction.

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What increases the speed of impulse transmission?

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It insulates the axon of the neuron?

An insulating layer that surrounds the axon is a myelin sheath.