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Q: What is a consistent experiment?
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Which statement is consistent with the results of Rutherford's gold foil experiment?

In Rutherford's gold foil experiment atoms are mostly empty space.

Conclusions based on an experiment are most likely to be accepted when?

they are consistent with experimental data and observation

What is a controlled variable in experimental psychology?

A controlled variable is the thing that is kept consistent in between trials of doing an experiment. e.g: time is kept the same or kept consistent...

What does it mean when a scientist fails to reject a hypothesis?

It means that the experiment is consistent with the hypothesis. It adds to the credibility of the hypothesis.

What does it mean if an experiment does not support the hypothesis?

Do the experiment again and again to confirm the data is correct If the data is consistent then your hypothesis is wrong and you need to think of a new one that fits the data.

What is a repeatable procedure?

An experiment which can be repeated and will yield the same results. Ex. If x+y=z in the experiement if you try the experiment again you should get the same result "z".

Why do you have to wash your hands before and after a experiment?

Before so everything stays consistent and after so you're not all germy and stuff. :D

When the evidence in a scientific experiment does not support the hypothesis what should the scientist do?

When the evidence in a scientific experiment does not support the hypothesis the scientist:Confirm through repeated experimentation that the evidence is validReject the hypothesisDevelop another hypothesis that is consistent with the valid evidence

Why do Scientists use experiments?

Scientists use controlled experiments because the results are consistent and can be replicated. The control of an experiment is the value that you are controlling the dependent variable to.

What does the replication term mean?

Replication means to reproduce something, its a copy. In science, you repeat an experiment to get a consistent answer.

Why would you do repetition in an experiment?

Religion is important during an experiment because it tells you if the results are consistent. If you didn't repeat portions of the experiment, than you wouldn't be able to gain accurate results.

If a hypothesis does not agree with the experiment designed to confirm it what two choices do you have?

The incorrect hypothesis may be discarded, or it can be modified until it is consistent with all the data that has been collected.