

What is a corresponding variable?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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12y ago

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no such thing

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Q: What is a corresponding variable?
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The answer depends on which variable is missing.

How can you tell if a table of values represents a function?

If all the values of the "independent" variable (x) are different then it is a function.If there are any repeats of the independent variable, the corresponding dependent variable, y, must be the same.If all the values of the "independent" variable (x) are different then it is a function.If there are any repeats of the independent variable, the corresponding dependent variable, y, must be the same.If all the values of the "independent" variable (x) are different then it is a function.If there are any repeats of the independent variable, the corresponding dependent variable, y, must be the same.If all the values of the "independent" variable (x) are different then it is a function.If there are any repeats of the independent variable, the corresponding dependent variable, y, must be the same.

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The rise and the run.

On a line graph the ratio of the change in the y variable to the corresponding change in the x variable is called a lines what?

The rise and the run.

How can you identify a unit rate or constant of proportionality a table?

Divide an entry for one variable in the table by the corresponding entry for the other variable.

Terms that contain the same variable with corresponding variables raised to the same power?

Terms that contain the same variable is called "like terms".

What are terms that have identical variable parts with corresponding variables raised to the same power?

They are "like terms".

What is a dependent variable in research?

The dependent variable is the variable that the researcher does not control. The researcher will change one variable called the independent variable (ex. temperature, amount of sunlight, amount of food, etc.) and then observe the corresponding dependent variable (ex. reaction of organism, amount of plant growth, swimming speed, etc.)

Why variable voltage and variable frequency control is used instead of variable voltage?

variable voltage control has some limitations as you decrease the voltage corresponding phase current will increase lead to increase of flux which lead to saturation of motor core and heating of motor to make flux constant and vary speed of motor v/f ratio need to be maintained constant

What are terms that have the same variable with corresponding variables having the same exponent?

In the most arcane, technically precise jargon of higher mathematics, they are referred to as "like terms".

What is a indepentent variable?

An independent variable is the variable which you change in an experiment. you can only have 1 variable that can change in an experiment and more than one independent variable will result in an unfair experiment