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Q: What is a course along which someone or something moves?
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A course along which someone moves?

Direction Migration

Is direction an noun?

The noun 'direction' is an abstract noun as a word for the management or guidance of someone or something; a word for a trend; a word for a concept.The noun 'direction' is a concrete noun as a word for the line or course along which something moves, lies, or points; a word for a physical course.

Is pathway a noun?

Yes, the word 'pathway' is a noun, a word for a track or course used for walking form one place to another; the course along which something moves; a word for a thing.

Is the word directions a proper noun?

No, the word 'directions' is a common noun, the plural form of the noun 'direction', a general word for the course along which someone or something moves; a general word for the management or guidance of someone or something.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing.

Is direction an abstract noun?

The word 'direction' is a noun, a word for guidance of action or conduct; a course along which someone or something moves; a trend; a word for a thing.Examples:The direction we're taking is to expand our virtual presence. (subject of the sentence)He pointed out the direction of the train station. (direct object of the verb 'pointed')If you have any questions, feel free to ask for direction. (object of the preposition 'for')

Why you do not move while earth moves?

Of course we move. We move along with Earth.

Is there any more karate moves and how do you do the moves?

Get thee to a dojo! Of course there are 'moves' in karate. To learn how to do them really requires that someone train under a qualified instructor.

Where is a seismograph placed?

A seismograph is placed under the ground. Somewhere not to close to the surface, as when something on the surface moves, then it would be recorded on the seismograph. Something on the surface that moves can be a vehical driving along the road.

When you touch something hot a neuron in your senses the temperature. which happens first?

an action potential moves along the neuron

How do you know if a guy likes to be chased?

If he slowly startes showing interest, but doesn't make any moves. These "moves" can include asking you out or kissing you or something along those lines.

When you touch something hot, a neuron in your finger senses the temperature. Which happens first?

an action potential moves along the neuron

When you touch something hot neuron in your finger senseds the temperature. Which happens first?

an action potential moves along the neuron