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I have had recent stomach surgery and can recommend a low fat diet. Try VSL-3 freeze dried pro biotic bacteria sachets. One a day for a month .They were recommended by my physician and they re colonise the gut after surgery. I am am a year on from intestinal surgery to repair radiotherapy damage to my gut following cancer as a 17 year old.

Best of luck to you. See Helicobacter Pylori in case you had an ulcer.

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Q: What is a cures for air in the stomach after a hysterectomy surgery?
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How does air get into the stomach?

when you inhale and exhale the air get into the stomach

What is the medical term meaning air in the stomach?

Aerophagia is the medical term meaning swallowing air, which can lead to air in the stomach. The gastric bubble is the normal view of air in the stomach found on xray.Aerohagis is the medical term for swallowing air. When it is released in a burp, the medical term is eructation.

What are some cures for your throat if you have inhailed helium?

Sorry, there are no cures, as helium is a noble gas. It doesn't combine with anything in your body. So just relax and take a breath of air.

What is an air pocket in the stomach?

The constant air pocket in the stomach is the gastric bubble. You can see it on xray and hear it on percussion.

What causes sulfur taste with belching?

When we eat food , air gets in the food pipe and then to the stomach . Excessive air goes out from the stomach and the air vibrates in the oesophagus and goes out causing belching

In what way is a baloon like a stomach?

Your stomach is like a baloon in the way that it expands with air in it.

Why do you switch from breathing into your stomach to your chest?

Stomach breathing is not actually breathing into your stomach. It is breathing as a result of activating your diaphragm - which sits just above your stomach and pushes on your stomach when its pulling air. Diaphragm breathing is deeper breathing and it's where you pull more air into your lungs. Once the deeper parts of your lungs are filled, the air fills the upper part of your lungs in your chest...

What is a burp?

A burp is when you have an ''air bubble'' in your stomach cause from eating fastly or drinking carbonation. It is nothing bad just air coming from your stomach to your mouth. :-)

What is the name for when your stomach growls?

It's not your stomach that makes the noise. It's air and waste in your intestines.

What does surgical mean?

Surgical means "of, or related to surgery", "as a result of surgery", or "precise", such as a surgical air strike.

What is the treatment for free air in the abdomen?

immediate surgery